Limb Sentence Examples
The limb held, but her shoulder didn't.
He dropped to a limb closer to the ground.
Then bandage the limb downwards, progressing towards the wound; repeat this several times.
A thick limb jutted up sharply, as if throwing an arm out for help.
While the limb was sore, the injury was minor.
Aside from the limb that still stuck down through the ceiling into her bed, the room was a mess.
Above this point springs the large median dorsal limb, which terminates in groups of long setae.
As was suggested at the outset, railway accident statistics are useful only as showing how to make life and limb safer, though in pursuing this object increased economy should also be secured.
The petiole or leaf-stalk is the part which unites the limb or blade of the leaf to the stem.
The limb of the calyx may appear as a rim, as in some Umbelliferae; or as pappus, in Compositae and Valeriana.
AdvertisementThe two distal endites are regarded as corresponding to the endopodite and exopodite of the higher Crustacea, the axis or corm of the Phyllopod limb representing the protopodite.
Lankester (5) has shown (and his views have been accepted by Professors Korschelt and Heider in their treatise on Embryology) that the limb of the lowest Crustacea, such as Apus, consists of a corm or axis which may be jointed, and gives rise to outgrowths, either leaf-like or filiform, on its inner and outer margins (endites and exites).
There is no reason to suppose that any of the forms of limb observed in Arthropoda may not have been independently developed in two or more separate diverging lines of descent.
Similarly, polymyalgia rheumatica in the elderly frequently presents with stiffness and pain in limb girdle muscles.
An estimated one in 2,000 babies is born with all or part of a limb missing.
AdvertisementIn the hinder limb the femur is marked, as in other perissodactyles, by the presence of a " third trochanter," a flattened process, curving forwards and arising from the outer side of the bone, about one-third of the distance from the upper end.
The metapodals and phalanges resemble very closely those of the fore limb, but the principal metatarsal is more laterally compressed at its upper end than is the corresponding metacarpal.
The bones and joints of the foot have the same names as in the fore limb.
There is also a much smaller second extensor on the outer side of this in each limb, the lateral extensor of the phalanges.
These structures are all enclosed in the middle subcorneous integument, a continuation of the ordinary skin of the limb, but extremely vascular, and having its superficial extent greatly increased by being developed into papillae or laminae.
AdvertisementThe part formed by the union of the sepals is called the tube of the calyx; the portion where the sepals are free is the limb.
A petal often consists of two portions - the lower narrow, resembling the petiole of a leaf, and called the unguis or claw; the upper broader, like the blade of a leaf, and called the lamina or limb.
The limb of the petal may be flat or concave, or hollowed like a boat.
When a corolla is gamopetalous it usually happens that the lower portion forms a tube, while the upper parts are either free or partially united, so as to form a common limb, the point of union of the two portions being the throat, which often exhibits a distinct constriction or dilatation.
When they realized just how far out on a limb they were they had to quickly backtrack.
AdvertisementHe was brought to the surface and got out of the water, where he suffered blackouts, limb tremors and chest pain.
The young man looped the bridle over a low maple limb, and leaving the horse standing sauntered over to the bench.
Collimate around the sides of the limb and include the whole calcaneus, the distal tibia and the proximal metatarsus.
Limb tone is increased with brisk tendon reflexes, ankle clonus, and bilaterally extensor plantar responses.
The focus will be on treating clubfoot but other lower limb conditions and general issues are covered.
It celebrates the DC athletes who risk life and limb as the ultimate culmination of team talent in the action sports community.
The presence of alien limb syndrome pointed to the diagnosis of " Corticobasal degeneration " .
Wnt signaling regulates myogenic differentiation in the developing avian limb.
From this, the vivisectors made the astounding discovery that the rabbits ' motion decreased the further the limb was stretched.
For example, research into the way genes control limb development in the fertilized chicken egg provides insight into how human limbs develop.
In adults use the upper limb at the medial aspect of the antecubital fossa.
One of its proposals was that attempts must be made to reduce the rate of limb amputations caused by diabetic gangrene by a half.
The image below takes the limb stacking a stage further by closing the strip gaps.
On transfer there he had a right hemiplegia (upper limb lower limb ).
Place the horse's hoof on a block with the limb drawn forward slightly.
Important local growth disturbances including mandibular hypoplasia, and limb and digit length discrepancies may occur.
In the Cumacea and Tanaidacea only the first thoracic limb has a branchial epipodite.
Differential refraction pushes the lower limb upwards to create the highly flattened shape.
Occlusive disease and the resulting ischemia threaten the viability of the lower limb, particularly in diabetics.
Patients undergoing surgery under regional anesthesia initially experience a dull ache in the exsanguinated limb after about 30 minutes of tourniquet application.
An example is the ' knee-jerk ' reflex, which involves a sudden twitch of a limb muscle caused by tapping the tendon.
You look for a withered limb, a shorter leg, different size feet, a caliper.
The gnawing off of a limb is so common that it has been given the term ' wringing off ' by trappers.
The circular curls are the bases for an egg as the tree climbs upward with green, yellow and white decorated eggs on each limb.
Despite her artificial limb, she consistently raised the stakes, incorporating complicated moves and even a back flip into one of her dance routines.
Usually, some of the limb muscles are paralyzed; the abdominal muscles or muscles of the back may be paralyzed, affecting posture.
Botulinum-toxin allows more normal limb positioning and improved mobility.
Initial trials of cannabinoids, the active ingredient in marijuana, have shown promise in the treatment of muscle stiffness and limb straightening associated with multiple sclerosis.
Contracture-A tightening or shortening of muscles that prevents normal movement of the associated limb or other body part.
Congenital amputation is the absence of a limb or part of a limb at birth.
An infant with congenital amputation may be missing an entire limb or just a portion of a limb.
The complete absence of a limb leaving a stump is called transverse deficiency, or amelia.
When a specific part of a limb is missing, for example, when the fibula bone in the lower leg is missing, but the rest of the leg is intact, it is called a longitudinal deficiency.
The condition in which only a mid-portion of a limb is missing, as when the hands or feet are attached directly to the trunk, is known as phocomelia.
In some cases, tight amniotic bands may constrict the developing fetus, preventing a limb from forming properly, if at all.
Ultrasound examinations may reveal the absence of a limb in some developing fetuses, but routine ultrasounds may not pick up signs of more subtle defects.
However, if a doctor suspects that the fetus is at risk for developing a limb deficiency (for example, if the mother has been exposed to radiation), a more detailed ultrasound examination may be performed.
If a problem with amniotic band constriction is detected early enough, it may be possible to correct the bands before there is significant damage to limb development.
A congenital limb deficiency has a profound effect on the life of the child and his or her parents.
Other types of abnormal pain include allodynia, hyperalgesia, and phantom limb pain.
Uncontrolled diabetes is a leading cause of blindness, end-stage renal disease, and limb amputations.
For instance, affected muscles in one limb is monoplegia, both arms or both legs is diplegia, both limbs on one side of the body is hemiplegia, and in all four limbs is quadriplegia.
In tenotomy, tendons of the affected muscle are cut, and the limb is cast in a more normal position while the tendon regrows.
Serial casting-A series of casts designed to gradually move a limb into a more functional position.
For limbs that have "fallen asleep," restoring circulation by stretching, exercising, or massaging the affected limb can quickly dissipate the numbness and tingling.
Medical personnel are trained not to allow a painful, deformed limb to distract them from potentially life-threatening injury elsewhere or shock.
Since it restricts movement of the affected limb or body part, it may confine a person to bed rest for an extended period of time.
Traction-The process of placing a bone, limb, or group of muscles under tension by applying weights and pulleys.
Since some braces can be easily taken off and put back on, they are often used when the child needs physical therapy or must exercise the limb during the healing process.
Muscle tone is usually tested by applying resistance to passive motion of a relaxed limb.
Depressed reflexes in only one limb, while the other limb demonstrates a normal response usually indicates a peripheral nerve lesion.
Also sometimes called periodic limb movement disorder.
Periodic limb movement disorder-A disorder characterized by involuntary flexion of leg muscles, causing twitching and leg extension or kicking during sleep.
The LMX1B gene codes for a protein that is important in organizing embryonic limb development.
In this operation, the tendon of the contractured muscle is cut, and the limb is braced in its normal resting position while the tendon regrows.
Damage to nerves can cause numbness and decreased ability to use the injured limb.
Involvement of larger areas, such as whole sections of a limb, is called angioedema.
It is present at birth, and children exhibit severe contractures of the joints, resulting in limb deformity; spinal curvature; deformities of the chest wall; difficulties breathing; abnormally small jaw; and upper eyelid droop (ptosis).
About 30 percent of amputees experience a sensation of the amputated part "telescoping" or shrinking into the viable part of the limb.
Parents of child amputees are faced with difficult decisions such as whether to get a limb prosthesis for their child and how to handle issues with negative body image.
Occupational therapy may include splints, casts, or braces on the affected arm or leg to enable proper limb positioning, and maintain flexibility and range of motion.
Others heal with little treatment other than keeping weight or stress off the affected limb.
This may include organ or limb problems that were identified on an ultrasound or blood tests that show a potential problem.
Since you have provided me with no history of your boyfriend lying, I am going to go out on a limb and say you were way out of line by contacting this other woman.
Stretching exercises are often promoted when recovering from an injury along with rest, ice, compression and keeping the injured limb elevated.
In fluid movements, he shook out a noose, swung it a few times to get momentum and then threw it at the limb.
It scampered to the edge of the limb and looked down at her, its bushy tail jerking up and down as it scolded her.
Starting from the wellknown fact that the habitual use of a limb tends to develop the muscles of the limb, and to produce a greater and greater facility in using it, he made the general assumption that the effort of an animal to exert an organ in a given direction tends to develop the organ in that direction.
The fore limbs grow simultaneously, and even more rapidly, but remain concealed within a diverticulum of the branchial chambers until fully formed, when they burst through the skin (unless the left spiraculum be utilized for the egress of the corresponding limb).
On examination this is found to be the under surface of the posterior limb of the gland, the upper surface of which has just been described as lying beneath the shell.
In the relative development and shape of the various segments of the leg there is almost endless variety, dependent on the order to which the insect belongs, and the special function - walking, running, climbing, digging or swimming - for which the limb is adapted.
The tail is thick and bushy, the feet and legs particularly strong, and there is usually a double dew-claw on each hind limb.
Meridian observations of the moon have been heretofore made by observing the transit of its illuminated limb.
The elongated axis which opens at the stigma in Scorpio and which can be cleared of soft, surrounding tissues and co agulated blood so as to present the appearance of a limb axis carrying the book-like leaves of the lung is not really, as it would seem to be at first sight, the limb axis.
The maceration of the soft parts of a scorpion preserved in weak spirit and the cleaning of the chitinized in-grown 1nus cuticle give rise to the false appearance of a limb axis carrying the lamellae.
The oil separates from the fat-cells and is found lying free, while the sulphuretted hydrogen evolved as one of the products of putrefaction reacts upon the iron of the blood and throws down a precipitate of sulphide of iron, which in course of time imparts to the limb a range of colour commencing in green and terminating in black.
Again, a fractured bone in a paralysed limb often fails to unite, while another in the opposite sound limb unites readily, and an ulcerated surface on a paralysed limb shows little healing reaction.
In the capital (Tokyo) the average yearly number of shocks throughout the 26 years ending in 1906 was 96, exclusive of minor vibrations, hut during the 50 years then ending there were only two severe shocks (i8S4 and 1894), and they were not directly responsible for any damage to life or limb.
Local burning pain; the bitten limb soon swells and is discoloured.
On the other hand in the Diplarthra, the tcl group to which the vast majority of modern Ungulates A i n belong, the second or lower row has been shifted altogether towards the inner side of the limb, so that the magnum is brought considerably into relation with the scaphoid, and is entirely removed from the cuneiform, as in most existing mammals.
It is necessary to determine the pressure exerted on the vapour by the mercury in the narrow limb; this is effected by opening the capillary and inclining the tube until the mercury just reaches the top of the narrow tube; the difference between FIG.
The substance is now placed on the support already mentioned, and the apparatus closed to the air by inserting the cork at D and turning the cock C. By turning or withdrawing the support the substance enters the bulb; and during its vaporization the free limb of the manometer is raised so as to maintain the mercury at a.
Hence the light from the marginal and central portions of the disc is identical in quality, and the limb can be little, if at all, darkened by the" smoke-veil "absorption conspicuous in the sun.
Such a complete reduction of the whole anterior limb and girdle is unique among birds, but the cassowaries indicate the process.
The photographs obtained on that occasion proved beyond doubt the solar character of the prominences or red flames, seen around the limb of the moon during a solar eclipse.
To prepare the cadmium amalgam, one part of pure cadmium is dissolved in six parts of pure mercury, and the product while warm and fluid is placed in one limb of the cell and warmed, to ensure perfect contact with the platinum wire.
Each pair has a single insertion on the inner wall - the one pair near the free extremity of the limb, the other near its attachment; the bands run up, one of each pair on each side, and run right round the body forming an incomplete muscular girdle, the ends approximating in the median line.
Many of them, like ungulates, are specialized for swift running, and have unusually long limbs, with ridges developed on the articular surfaces of the lower bones; the clavicles are more or less reduced; the thorax is more compressed than usual, with a narrower breast-bone; and there is a marked tendency to the reduction or loss of the lateral toes, more especially in the hind limb.
Silesia is divided by a projecting limb of Moravia into two small parts of territory, of which the western part is flanked by the Sudetic mountains, namely the Altvater Gebirge; while the eastern part is flanked by the Carpathians, namely the Jablunka Gebirge with their highest peak the Lissa Hora (4346 ft.).
It is a brief extension of the limb at the knee-joint, due to a simple contraction of the extensor muscle, elicited by a tap or other short mechanical stimulus applied to the muscle fibres through the tendon of the muscle.
Hence a favourable posture of the limb for eliciting the jerk is one ensuring relaxation of the hamstring muscles, as when the leg has been crossed upon the other.
The turning of attention towards the knee interferes with the jerk; hence the device of directing the person to perform vigorously some movement, which does not involve the muscles of the lower limb, at the moment when the light blow is dealt upon the tendon.
In the monkey the proportions it assumes are still greater, and the number of foci, for distinct movements of this and that member, indeed for the individual joints of each limb, are much more numerous, and together occupy a more extensive surface, though relatively to the total surface of the brain a smaller one.
Ferrier's investigations showed, motor reactions of the facial and sensori- limb muscles are regularly and easily evoked.
A reeling gait, oscillations of the body which impart a zigzag direction to the walk, difficulty in standing, owing to unsteadiness of limb, are common in cerebellar disease.
Then if a pencil be placed along B C so as to keep the string taut, and the limb AB be slid along the directrix, the A pencil will trace out the parabola.
The lictors and the fasces were so inseparably connected that they came to be used as synonymous terms. The fasces originally represented the power over life and limb possessed by the kings, and after the abolition of the monarchy, the consuls, like the kings, were preceded by twelve fasces.
The two cannon-bones of each limb are confluent for the greater part of their length, though separated for a considerable distance at the lower end.
The sepals are leafy and persistent; the corolla is generally divided into a longer or shorter tube and a limb which is spreading, as in primrose, or reflexed, as in Cyclamen; in Soldanella it is bell-shaped; in Lysimachia the tube is often very short, the petals appearing almost free; in Glaux the petals are absent.
The state even afforded them protection against extreme cruelty on the part of their masters in respect of life and limb, but in laying down this rule English lawyers were able to follow the precedents set by late Roman jurisprudence, especially by measures of Hadrian, Antonine and Constantine the Great.
They are, in fact, shadows cast by a small portion of the sun's limb, from opposite sides alternately.
His agility was not less remarkable than his strength; he excelled in all athletic feats which demanded suppleness of limb and quickness of eye.
It must always be employed with caution in the case of elderly persons and children; and it must not be applied to a paralysed limb (in which the power of healing is deficient), nor to parts upon which the patient lies, as otherwise a bed-sore is likely to follow its use.
The phenomenon, which depends upon the inequalities of the moon's limb, was so vividly described by him as to attract an unprecedented amount of attention to the totality of the 8th of July 1842, observed by Baily himself at Pavia.
The specially painful points are about the knee and ankle joints; besides which a feeling of numbness is experienced throughout the whole limb.
In severe cases all movement of the limb aggravates the pain, and the patient is obliged to remain in bed.
In prolonged attacks the limb may waste and be drawn up and fixed in one position.
As a whole, the mandrill is characterized by heaviness of body, stoutness and strength of limb, and exceeding shortness of tail, which is a mere stump, not 2 in.
A dorsal and a ventral plate are often distinguished, known respectively as the tergum and the sternum, and the tergum may overhang the insertion of the limb on each side as a free plate called the pleuron.
It is highly probable, however, that the biramous limb is a simplification of a more complex primitive type, to which the Phyllopod limb is a more or less close approximation.
The jaws have the gnathobasic endites developed at the expense of the rest of the limb, the endopodite FIG.
Three series are distinguished, podobranchiae, attached to the proximal segments of the appendages, pleurobranchiae, springing from the body-wall, and an intermediate series, arthrobranchiae, inserted on the articular membrane of the joint between the limb and the body.
It has no sharp boundary, its brightness diminishes rapidly as we recede from the limb, and such structure as it shows consists of long streaks or filaments extending outwards from the limb in broad curved sweeps.
The lower gaseous cloaks absorb a large part of the light admitted by the photosphere, and especially at the limb and for the more refrangible rays the loss of intensity is very marked.
To draw a trustworthy conclusion it is necessary that the spot should be quiescent, show a well-developed and fairly symmetrical penumbra, and be observed near the limb and also near the centre, and these conditions are satisfied in so few cases as to withdraw all statistical force from the conclusion.
The first, taken alone, might seem to bear out Wilson's theory, but the others show that the penumbra is really very unsymmetrical and much broader on the side towards the limb, apart from anything which perspective may have to say.
The spectrum taken near the limb of the sun shows increased general absorption, but also definite peculiarities of great interest in connexion with the spectra of the spots, which it will be convenient to describe first.
The helium formations do not reach the sun's limb, and it is another puzzling detail that the spectrum of the disk shows no absorption line of anything like an intensity to correspond with the emission line of helium in the chromosphere.
Some of the former are to be seen at the limb on most occasions; they may hang for days about the same place; they reach altitudes of which the average is perhaps 20,000 m., and show the spectral lines of hydrogen and helium.
Nay, more, it imported that personality into him, making him a limb or member of Christ's body, and immortal as Christ was immortal.
They were cowed, as they said, by that disciple and limb of the fiend called La Pucelle, that used false enchantments and sorcery.
Brief reference may also be made to the morphological importance of extraordinary length or shortness in the skulls of mammals - dolichocephalism and brachycephalism; both these features being apparently characteristic of specialized types, the former condition being (as in the horse) often, although not invariably, connected with length of limb and neck, and adaptation to speed, while brachycephalism may be correlated with short limbs and an abbreviated neck.
An erroneous view of the fundamental morphology of the Crustacean limb, and consequently of that of other Arthropoda, came into favour owing to the acceptance of the highly modified limbs of Astacus as typical.
Protopodite, endopodite, exopodite, and epipodite were considered to be the morphological units of the crustacean limb.
It is not true that all the biting processes of the Arthropod limb are thus produced - for instance, the jaws of Peripatus are formed by the axis or corm itself, whilst the poisonjaws of Chilopods, as also their maxillae, appear to be formed rather by the apex or terminal region of the ramus of the limb; but the opposing jaws (= hemignaths) of Crustacea, Arachnida and Hexapoda are gnathobases, and not the axis or corm.
In Apus, as the figure shows, there are four of these " antenna-like " palps or filaments on the first thoracic limb.
This is the usual uni-ramose limb found in the various classes of Arthropoda.
This is the typical " bi-ramose limb " often found in Crustacea.
The most delicate indication of an atmosphere would be through the refraction of the light of a star when seen coincident with the limb of the moon.
Of the remaining rivers of the Atlantic basin the Orange, in the extreme south, brings the drainage from the Drakensberg on the opposite side of the continent, while the Kunene, Kwanza, Ogowe and Sanaga drain the west coast highlands of the southern limb; the Volta, Komoe, Bandama, Gambia and Senegal the highlands of the western limb.
Between the two lips there is a gap. The throat is the part where the tube and the labiate limb join.
Reaching under the tiny limb with a finger, she gently pulled the leg forward.
She caught up with Brutus near the tree line and that was when she saw it – half hidden under a dead limb.
She screamed as weightlessness gripped her body, making a final grab at a limb.
The pain is often associated with a vague deep ache in the limb, sometimes mild tingling, but rarely numbness or weakness.
Proteins in the growing ridge (dark band) of a limb bud in a chick embryo.
When venous insufficiency is present there is often edema of the lower limb.
A frequent complaint is of cold intolerance especially in the affected limb.
Hence angioplasty is rarely an approach for these patients until critical limb ischemia develops.
We can measure his heart rhythms, take his blood pressure and even amputate a limb.
Someone who has lost a leg just below the hip will be 80% disabled, however well they manage with an artificial limb.
Anecdotal evidence suggests that pain can be reduced by activity in the brain involved in imagined movement of the phantom limb.
Relief of ' rest pain ' at night is achieved by hanging the affected limb down over the side of the bed.
Each year 400,000 people suffer from upper limb or neck disorders.
Low Massam is an effective program for increasing lower limb bone mass and delaying the effects of Osteoporosis.
For measuring explosive power & efficiency in the lower limb extensor muscles.
Amitriptyline has been shown to help in treatment of migraine and tension headache, post herpetic neuralgia as well as phantom limb pain.
Randomized controlled trial of the cost-effectiveness of water-based therapy for lower limb osteoarthritis (ROAR ).
Termination of the experiment, to minimize any suffering, will begin when animals show partial hind limb paralysis.
The Irish premier can't exactly be accused of going out on a limb on this one.
A patient with a cementless prosthesis is restricted from placing weight on the limb for several weeks.
To provide a knowledge base on the theoretical and practical basis of upper and lower limb external prosthetics and orthotics.
In particular it has maintained a strong interest in the field of upper limb prosthetics.
Finding ways to improve the limb reconstruction service at Sheffield Children ' s Hospital.
Our research focuses on soft tissue rheumatic disorders of the neck and upper limb.
The series had a limb salvage rate of 80 %, which was associated with a better quality of life than major amputation.
The lines which are longest extend to a more remote limb than the others and therefore that limb looks smaller.
It shows a very clear solar prominence visible on the limb of the Sun.
Place the small pocket of the bow stringer securely over the upper limb.
I work closely with the Microwave Limb Sounder group (MLS) which has a weekly teleconference with NASA JPL in California.
On arrival, lower limb compression ultrasonography of the deep veins was performed.
Symptoms such as drowsiness, headaches, confusion, limb weakness and visual problem begin to show.
This sleepiness should be distinguished from the feeling of physical weariness due to overuse and fatigue of the limb muscles.
Thus the poison of various insects induces in plants the cellular new formation known as a gall-nut; a foreign body implanted in a limb may become encysted in a capsule of fibrous tissue; septic matter introduced into the abdomen will cause proliferation of the lining endo(epi)thelium; and placing an animal (salamander, Galeotti) in an ambient medium at a higher temperature than that to which it is accustomed naturally, increases the rapidity of celldivision of its epithelium with augmentation of the number of karyokinetic figures.
Some of the wooden beings fell flat upon the ground, where they quivered and trembled in every limb; but most of them managed to wheel and escape again to a distance.
Aquatic salamanders and newts are the only adult vertebrates which can regenerate a limb, and they can regenerate other structures as well.
Sagittal MR image of a horse 's foot A sedated horse having MR images taken of the lower limb.
Cervical sympathectomy for upper limb disease has been shown to offer little benefit.
Hartford Memorial Hospital's Sleep Disorder Center offers help for people who have a number of sleep problems, including sleep apena, narcolepsy and periodic limb movement disorder.
Jerking in sleep may also be referred to as periodic limb movements of sleep (PLMS).
Periodic limb movement disorder involves involuntary muscle spasms but not the intense cramping sensation associated with nighttime leg cramps.
Periodic limb movement disorder, is a condition that causes excessive jerking twtiching movements.
However, if the problem interferes with sleep significantly, it is important to discuss the problem with your doctor to rule out conditions like periodic limb movement disorder.
Race for control of the city by competing in races block by block, and then in Carbon Canyon where you risk life and limb to defeat rival crew leaders.
Developers are adding more realistic collisions and physics - linemen don't scrub up against each other like two man-sized blocks of concrete, but rather push limb against limb.
The game is very easy to advance through, as a player may choose to adopt a "Hulk Smash" mentality throughout the majority of levels, blasting and smashing any and everything with little concern for life and irradiated limb.
Occupational therapy may include splints, casts, or braces on the affected arm or leg to enable proper limb positioning, prevent joint stiffness, and maintain flexibility and range of motion.
All muscle tone is lost in the affected limb and the muscle becomes soft (flaccid).
However, in the process of limiting further blood loss, the tourniquet also drastically deprives the limb tissues of oxygen.
As a result, the patient may live but the limb may die.
Many individuals experience chronic limb and joint pain, although x rays of these joints appear normal.
Occupational therapy may include splints, casts, or braces on the affected arm or leg to enable proper limb positioning and maintain flexibility and range of motion.
It may also include training for proper limb positioning while seated in a wheelchair or lying in bed.
Phantom limb pain occurs after a limb is amputated; although an individual may be missing the limb, the nervous system continues to perceive pain originating from the area.
Swelling and weakness of the limb may not be noticed until weeks after the pain begins.
Tools such as amputee dolls may be helpful in explaining how a prosthetic limb will be worn and to encourage positive body image.
The seizure may progress in characteristic fashion along the limb.
Like firefighters, police officers regularly place themselves in dangerous situations that risk life and limb.
Children, playing in fields, may inadvertently set off the landmines and lose life or limb.
The way to find out which of these three types an injury is will always be the same, although the limb should be immobilized and professional medical help found as soon as possible.
To elevate the injury, prop the injured limb up on a pile of pillows and try to elevate it over the heart.
I hadn't even known he was married and now he was shinnying out on a skinny limb on my behalf.
The difference of pressure between the outside air and the smoke-box gases may be measured by the difference of the water levels in the limbs of a U tube, one limb being in communication with the smokebox, the other with the atmosphere.
The success of procryptic coloration depends, however, very largely upon stillness, and the instinct to keep stationary without moving a limb is a marked characteristic of all spiders unless engaged in hunting or fleeing from imminent danger.
At first quarter its first limb is illuminated; at third quarter, its second limb.
In it no fruit is produced, and the pistil consists merely of sessile leaves, the limb of each being green and folded, with a narrow prolongation upwards, as if from the midrib, and ending in a thickened portion.
Radius confluent with ulna, and tibia with fibula; tarsus (astragalus and calcaneum) elongate, forming an additional segment in the hind limb.
A third modification is the increasing length of limb (as well as in general bodily size), accompanied by a gradual reduction in the number of toes from three or four to one.
It allows an amputee to move the prosthetic arm as if it is a real limb, simply by thinking.
The management of lower limb amputees was being provided within a busy, acute vascular unit.
This in turn should improve artificial limb fitting, comfort and quality of life for below-knee amputees.
This case had fore and hind limb ataxia but normal cranial nerve function.
The first neurological symptom was generally ataxia, 26 including cerebellar, limb or gait ataxia.
In contrast, the patient with a cemented prosthesis is typically permitted to place weight on the limb within a few days of surgery.
On the other hand carelessness and neglect were severely punished, as in the case of the unskilful physician, if it led to loss of life or limb his hands were cut off, a slave had to be replaced, the loss of his eye paid for to half his value; a veterinary surgeon who caused the death of an ox or ass paid quarter value; a builder, whose careless workmanship caused death, lost his life or paid for it by the death of his child, replaced slave or goods, and in any case had to rebuild the house or make good any damages due to defective building and repair the defect as well.
The structure of the prosomatic appendages or legs is also seen to present many significant points of agreement (see figures), but a curious discrepancy existed in the six-jointed structure of the limb in Limulus, which differed from the seven-jointed limb of Scorpio by the defect of one joint.
Untreated diabetes can lead to heart attacks, blindness, circulation problems, kidney failure, limb amputation, and other serious complications.
The therapy may include training for proper limb positioning while seated in a wheelchair or lying in bed.
Once you've learned the basic technique, be sure to practice often, and don't be afraid to go out on a limb when practicing your Michael Jackson dance routines.
So when you see Baskit Swimwear, it's meant to be a bit edgy, but not so much so that the guy feels like he's out on a limb.
Have the tree frog climbing over the branch toward the viewer for a realistic look, or perch the frog sideways moving up a limb and branch simultaneously.
The majority of plans will foot most of the bill in case of an accident like a broken limb or a prolonged, serious illness, including stays in the hospital and physical therapy costs.
She caught up with Brutus near the tree line and that was when she saw it – half hidden under a dead limb.
The corolla is tubular with a spreading limb, and varies widely in colour, being white, yellow, orange, crimson, scarlet, blue or purple.
He walked down the hill, pausing a reverent moment at the headstone, and then ducked under a limb as he continued down the hill.
He focused on the taste of their warm blood and on tearing them limb from limb.
Eye for eye, tooth for tooth, limb for limb was the penalty for assault upon an amelu.
The typical peninsula is connected with the mainland by a relatively narrow isthmus; the name is, however, extended to any limb projecting from the trunk of the mainland, even when, as in the Indian peninsula, it is connected by its widest part.
Her feet skidded out from under her and she spun around, clutching desperately to the limb, twisting into a sitting position and sliding until she was sitting before him.
Or I could stay right here and watch Darkyn pull you limb from limb. That's my idea of a good time.
There is no doubt that these are parapodial or limb appendages, carrying numerous imbricated secondary processes, and therefore comparable in essential structure to the leaf-bearing plates of the second meso somatic somite of Limulus.
The y are really excretory glands, and communicate with the exterior by a very minute aperture on the posterior face of the coxa of the fifth limb on each side.
Typically, the parapodium consists of two processes of the body on each side, each of which bears a bundle of setae; these two divisions of the "limb" are termed.
If a limb be lost at an early stage it may be re-grown in perfection; but at later stages it is only imperfectly reproduced and is shorter and thinner than the other limbs.
The simple siphon is used by filling it with the liquid to be decanted, closing the longer limb with the finger and plunging the shorter into the liquid; and it must be filled for each time of using.
If this cannot be done, the main artery of the limb must be exposed by dissection at the most accessible point between the wound and the heart, and there ligatured.
As the name implies, the ports originally constituting the body were only five in number - Hastings, Romney, Hythe, Dover and Sandwich; but to these were afterwards added the "ancient towns" of Winchelsea and Rye with the same privileges, and a good many other places, both corporate and non-corporate, which, with the title of limb or member, held a subordinate position.
The loss of the surgeon's hand that caused loss of life or limb; or the brander's hand that obliterated a slave's identification mark, are very similar.
In the preceding century reliance was placed entirely on the observed moments at which Venus entered upon or left the limb of the sun, but in 1874 it was possible to determine the relative positions of Venus and the sun during the whole course of the transit.
Appendages of 2nd pair not underlying the mouth, but freely movable and, except in primitive forms, furnished with a maxillary lobe; the rest of the limb like the legs, tipped with a single claw and quite unmodified (except in a').
The loss of an eye will be followed by atrophy of the optic nerve; the tissues in a stump of an amputated limb show atrophic changes; a paralysed limb from long disuse shows much wasting; and one finds at great depths of the sea fishes and marine animals, which have almost completely lost the organs of sight, having been cut off for long ages from the stimuli (light) essential for these organs, and so brought into an atrophic condition from disuse.
There is nowhere a real defining line between the two (many New Caledonians having black skins and woolly hair with Polynesian superiority of limb), but the Polynesian type is generally found among the chiefs and their kindred.
I can vouch for myself but going out on the limb for someone else is a whole different ball game.
The noose fell directly over the limb and he pulled it tight.
They were, however, essentially marsh-dwelling animals, and exhibit no tendency to the cursorial type of limb so characteristic of the horse-line.
The temperature at which the limb is kept, no doubt, favours and hastens the natural process of destruction, so that putrefaction shows itself sooner than would be the case with a dead tissue removed from the body and kept at a lower temperature.