Daily-grind Sentence Examples
Extremely pleasant purpose built offices make the daily grind a pleasure to endure.
Activities for a family fun night offer everyone a break from the daily grind.
A cruise to nowhere allows you to escape the daily grind just long enough to recharge your batteries and return with a fresh outlook on life.
Thank you for giving us the chance to escape the daily grind - we will be back soon!
They all dreamed of escaping the tyranny of editors, deadlines, the daily grind to Blackfriars Station.
Invest in an electronic neck or back massager, and carve out 10 minutes to enjoy a breather from the daily grind.
Everquest Daily Grind - a blog written by individuals recovering from Everquest addiction.
Let these images of surf, sand and beautiful bikini-clad women transport you away from the daily grind.
No matter what type of these little wonders you like, there's nothing like adding a bit of fun into the daily grind of digging for change.
Ace of Cakes is a popular Food Network show chronicling the daily grind of a specialty bakery.
AdvertisementParty home businesses have become a viable employment option for thousands of people who would rather not participate in the daily grind of traditional employment.
It is widely known that most people know what they should be eating, but the daily grind often leads us down the road of most convenient.