Cow Sentence Examples
The Latin word for "cow" is vacca.
Can't you eat a cow or a rabbit or something?
Although the technique of growing cowpox on cow hides would come, transporting it was difficult due to lack of refrigeration.
Of animals, the cow and the pig are her favourites, the latter owing to its productivity and the cathartic properties of its blood.
An elk cow burst out of the brush and skidded to a stop when she saw Alex.
They of course regard the cow as equally sacred.
Cow's milk formula is fortified with iron.
At the festival Chthonia, a cow (representing, according to Mannhardt, the spirit of vegetation), which voluntarily presented itself, was sacrificed by three old women.
The cow had no choice but to follow her offspring.
The wild-eyed cow needed no further encouragement.
AdvertisementYour buffalo cow had two calves.
In fact, most people allergic to cow's milk are also allergic to goat's milk.
Initial research will determine the ability of these two cow genotypes to meet the objectives of the research program under Northern Ireland conditions.
I used to use a hoe, now I can use the cow to plow.
The cow is then artificially inseminated using semen from a proven bull " in the usual way " .
AdvertisementIt took at least a half-hour to locate the buffalo cow, and then she didn't want to be herded.
The story of Io, metamorphosed into a cow, is familiar; she was priestess of Hera, and was originally, no doubt, a form of the goddess herself.
Another treatise relates the destruction of mankind, and the circumstances that led to the creation of the heavens in the form of a cow.
The cow met him in Phocis, and guided him to Boeotia, where he founded the city of Thebes.
The cow dung attracts insects which provide a food source for the bats.
AdvertisementSevere anemia and chronic bronchitis associated with a markedly elevated specific IgG to cow's milk protein.
Complete renovation of a cow shed does n't faze you 23.
In a trial involving eight infants, chronic insomnia was traced to an allergy to cow's milk.
The guy sees a bunch of people standing knee-deep in cow manure drinking coffee.
Some people lack an enzyme necessary to digest lactose, the sugar in cow's milk.
AdvertisementThis in turn leads to inflammatory substances being released into the blood, which supplies the sensitive laminae of the cow's feet.
The cows will also have access to a dry cow mineral lick.
The tracing resulted in 36 320 cows being assigned to 11 786 cow families with more than one cow per maternal lineage.
There has been much excitement recently about the so-called conjugated linoleic acids (CLAs) in cow's milk.
The devil-worshippers, at their sacrifices, slay the ox; and this the daevas favour, for they are foes to the cattle and to cattlebreeding, and friends to those who work ill to the cow.
Among the former those most inculcated are renunciation of Satan, adoration of Ormazd, purity of soul and body, and care of the cow.
When they are handreared on cow's milk foals require firm treatment and must have no fooling to teach them tricks.
Betsy looked resolved, Julie like a cow being led to slaughter and Molly smiling like a birthday girl.
His ox mates without fail; his cow calves and does not abort.
A cow will not eat afterbirth that is not its own.
Jump on women, and ride through shops on a motor bicycle, and no-one could stop us because we were a cow.
The mouse bioassay involves inoculating mice with suspect tissue from a cow or sheep.
It is also totally traceable, you could almost ask to see the birth certificate of the cow!
Past the stables was a cow shed and then on the corner was the old blacksmiths forge.
Once I had escaped the wild bull, the wild cow confronted me.
By the Carlinside Frisky (Jim Currie & familys ' sire) the cow was off an Excellent very high butterfat 10,000kg Poppy cow.
Townfoot Cottage adjoins the owner's farmhouse and was originally an old farm cow byre.
Cow byre The shop itself is a former cow byre, scrubbed and white washed, but sadly not staffed by milkmaids.
Orchard Farm Cottages 2 comfortable farm cottages converted from a traditional cow byre, retaining the original beams.
Formerly a cow byre, it is of stone construction under a slate roof.
The donkey, seeing the horse pulling an old cart full of cow manure cried out " Oh, what happened to you?
Another environmental trigger in cow's milk is thought to be a protein called casein (8 ).
There is 300 per cent more casein in cow's milk than in human milk.
In 1984, he believed the opportunity to milk the cash cow feeding other minority sports was too good to miss.
This fabulously soft velvety chenille feel Lola the cow comfort toy and blanket is suitable for new babies and older babies alike.
I'm reluctant to slay this sacred cow because it looks plain churlish, but somebody has to call it.
Coconut Ice - you'll be picking the coconut Ice - you'll be picking the coconut out of your teeth for days Cow - moo!
Why is the car treated like a sacred cow?
This 15 month old's sire was bred from Paris Show winning lines and out of a homebred cow by Gower Javelin.
At 12.45pm each day you can try hand milking Millie, our lovable Friesian cow.
A new theory for the origin of " mad cow " disease has linked its spread with the feeding of human remains to animals.
For the dairy cow the price paid is very dear.
Even the pharmaceutical industry is not the milch cow that publishers might think us to be.
Protesters, including a pantomime cow, handed out warning leaflets to shoppers.
The gabions were an interesting feature as was the planting which included some cow parsley.
Gemma bought a glass cow for Leanne, and we watched the craftsman at work making elephants from different colored glass rods.
The cow took a step backward then lunged forward straight at Spike.
The turn of the late flowering magnolias has arrived among the tall cow parsley.
Among the animal bones were exotic species, including the common American raccoon and African manatee (or sea cow ).
Every year, I bought a trailer load of rotted cow manure which I used mainly for the potato patch.
The next day, you will get a Golden Size Milk, if you have a milker to milk your cow.
Olive magazine - Fabulous five Buffalo soldiers September 2004 If cow's milk mozzarella is cotton, the buffalo variety is pure silk.
This is normally topped up with ten of fifteen tons of cow muck per acre.
For example, fungal mycotoxins could develop, which could harm the cow's health.
Among them was a white cow very much overstocked with milk.
The point of the cartoon is the lawyer under the cow with his milking pail!
The last buddy pair up also spotted a shoal of several hundred cow nosed rays swimming past in formation.
The cow parsnip Is one of the most common. growing by roadsides and on waste ground everywhere and flowering from June until late autumn.
For example, fungi help turn a cow pat into soil.
Today she will have the pelvis of the cow.
Partnership X3 had been set up as a completely separate business which had purchased sheep and suckler cow quota.
Day 4. For early risers, a chance to learn to milk a cow by hand.
The phrase " it's a religious comedy " must have caused Hollywood to have a sacred cow.
I was horrified one day when I saw the sisters carrying into Mother House half a cow, blood dripping onto their white saris.
It was found intact, lying over the articulated skeleton of a small cow.
It was here, sitting on a three legged stool, he learned to milk his first cow.
Paul manages a 65 cow suckler herd running at over 1,000 ' on a tenanted high hill unit in Cumbria.
We also heard about the cow which sank the trawler.
The dwelling is made from wood, heather, cow dung, mud, stones, straw and binder twine.
Bacteria present on the cow's udders or on equipment may get into raw milk.
The cow's physiology is stressed, and when bacteria do enter the udder, mastitis is likely.
The rare wood vetch grows on the side of the gorge and there is an old record for small cow wheat.
A suppose its better than the polished " cow dung " we hud before, bit wae nae satellite, lifes no worth livin!
Spindle whorl A spindle whorl made from the top of a cow's leg bone.
How far totemism, or belief in deified animal ancestors, existed in prehistoric Israel, as evidenced by the tribal names Simeon (hyena, wolf), Caleb (dog), IIamor (ass), Rahel (ewe) and Leah (wild cow), &c., 6 as well as by the laws respecting clean and unclean animals, is too intricate and speculative a problem to be discussed here.
The cow classes were abolished in 1897, and in the schedule of the 1905 exhibition the classes for each breed of cattle were (I) for steers not exceeding two years old, (2) for steers above two years and not exceeding three years old, and (3) for heifers not exceeding three years old.
It falls on tile tenth, and two or three following days, of the last month, Dhu-l-hijja, when the pilgrims each slay a ram, a he-goat, a cow or a camel in the valley of Mind in commemoration of the ransom of Ishmael with a ram.
The derivation of the word has been obscured by a connexion in sense with the verb "cow," to instil fear into, which is derived from old Norse kuga, a word of similar meaning, and with the verb "cower," to crouch, which is also Scandinavian in origin.'
The milk of the cow, which may be taken as typical of all others, and is indeed by far the most important and valuable of all (see Dairy And Dairy Farming), is, when newly drawn, an opaque white fluid, with a yellowish tinge, soft, bland and sweetish to the taste, and possessed of a faintly animal odour.
The most obvious characteristics of the ordinary Hindu are that he worships a plurality of gods, looks upon the cow as a sacred animal, and accepts the Brahmanical supremacy (see Brahmanism) and the caste system; and when it is a question whether one of the animistic tribes has or has not entered the fold of Hinduism, these two latter points seem to be the proper test to apply.
This view, however, has not met with general acceptance, on the ground that, in Semitic mythology, the moon is always a male divinity; and that the full moon and crescent, found as attributes of Astarte, are due to a misinterpretation of the sun's disk and cow's horns of Isis, the result of the dependence of Syrian religious art upon Egypt.
Every week, I buy my milk from a small local dairy on the day it comes forth from the cow.
Using a model dairy cow to help Animal Production students learn ration formulation.
Not to be outdone by Keith 's robust defense of war, Andrew tackled another sacred cow, human rights.
The phrase " it 's a religious comedy " must have caused Hollywood to have a sacred cow.
Other carvings depict the rare breeds housed at the Tower including a saddleback pig, soay sheep and a dexter cow.
Cow 's saliva glands are probably best left to the locals !
The modern dairy cow is increasingly being treated more like a milk producing machine than a sentient animal.
You can milk or shear the once pregnant sheep or cow the day it was supposed to be born.
Swarms of horrible flies, presumably attracted by pools of cow shit sprayed all over the road by our nice farmers.
Secondly, tell me more about this Cow Grrl training - does it include how to simulate having 3 more stomachs than you do?
A big 35 cm soft cuddly cow, the perfect soft toy for a baby to snuggle up to.
Cow hocks, weak pasterns, straight stifles, and splay feet are very bad faults.
You cannot receive premium on more animals than the number for which you hold suckler cow quota.
The most important of these payments are the special beef premium and the suckler cow premium.
Inappropriate cubicle housing can reduce a cow 's lying time which can predispose to lameness and may contribute to teat damage.
The diagram shows the position of the udder of a cow.
Bacteria present on the cow 's udders or on equipment may get into raw milk.
The cow 's physiology is stressed, and when bacteria do enter the udder, mastitis is likely.
The correct action of the milking machine is essential to cow comfort, optimum milking performance and udder health.
Kulik 's head penetrated the vagina of a cow in an attempt to be born anew.
A suppose its better than the polished " cow dung " we hud before, bit wae nae satellite, lifes no worth livin !
However in most countries the range is limited to cow, ewe, goat and (increasingly) water buffalo milk cheeses.
Was this, by any chance, about the same time he was weaned from breast milk to cow 's milk-based formula?
Spindle Whorl A spindle whorl made from the top of a cow 's leg bone.
No matter how you feed your baby, though, you should not introduce cow's milk until your baby has reached one year of age.
Once your baby reaches his first birthday, you can switch from breast milk or formula to whole cow's milk.
While you should not give your infant cow's milk until she reaches her first birthday, you can give her cow's milk based, iron-fortified formula, especially if you aren't breastfeeding at all.
Lactose-free infant formulas do not have lactose in them, but they are made with cow's milk protein.
If dairy allergies may be a factor, it's important to know that milk-based infant formulas are made from cow's milk protein along with supplementary carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, and minerals.
Iron fortified formulas like Nestle Good Start Supreme have cow's milk-based proteins and are made with lactose.
Cow Town Boots has a good selection of dress boots crafted from fine leather.
A Theodor Seuss Giesel award winner, the Cow Girl Kate and Cocoa series is good fun following the western themed adventures of Kate and her obstinent horse cocoa.
One of the most popular choices is the reddish brown leather combined with a brown and white cow hide.
Leather and treated cow hide with the hair still on is often used in the upholstery of rustic furniture.
Some scientists are trying to figure out a good way to use the methane created from cow manure and decomposition at landfills to power electrical plants.
If you like the look and feel of a real animal hair but don't want to contribute to the killing of zebras, you can buy a cow hide zebra rug.
Jump Cow Jump! uses only the space bar to make the cow jump over the moon.
If your cow nudges the moon too much, the little dog laughs a lot.
These images (frog, cow, duck, and cat, respectively) serve no other purpose than to make someone smile - the perfect reason to send one to a friend.
Vegans, on the other hand, do not drink cow's or any other animal's milk.
Those that are refrigerated and sweetened will taste closest to skim cow's milk.
When making cheese, whole cow's milk is separated into its various components.
Two of the main proteins in cow's milk are casein and whey.
Soy protein powder supplements makes a great protein source for vegans who choose not to consume whey protein shakes because whey derives from cow's milk.
The milk can be cow's, goat's, or sheep's milk and once mixed with the grain is allowed to ferment overnight.
Happy Cow - Most of these burger recipes are based on actual vegetables, like carrots and beets.
Ferrell has also leant his voice to a number of animated shows, including The Oblongs, Cow and Chicken, Family Guy, King of the Hill and Fifteen Minutes of Shame.
These include lively animal prints such as a black and white cow design.
This is comparable to problems encountered with other chew treats such as rawhide chews, cornstarch bones, pig's ears, and cow hooves.
Solid Gold puts the same care into their canned dog foods as well, and they come in flavors like Green Cow Tripe, Lamb and Barley, and Turkey and Ocean Fish.
Cow's milk should be avoided if it irritates your dog's stomach because some dogs are lactose intolerant.
They thrive admirably in deep, rich, sandy loam, with the addition of some decayed cow manure.
A good moist loam, enriched with cow manure, is the soil best suited to peonies.
Moutans are gross feeders, and amply repay generous treatments with occasional top-dressings of half-decomposed cow manure.
Where soil is prepared for the choicer varieties, any good loam with a free addition of sand, well-rotted leaf-mould, and decomposed cow manure will form an admirable compost.
Cow, horse and poultry manures are frequently used in gardens.
Bagged and dehydrated cow manure may also be purchased at stores if no local, free sources are available.
Don't be surprised to find wooden ducks sitting on shelves, cow clocks on the walls and homemade cookie jars and flour canisters on the counter.
Many farmers allow you to purchase a whole cow, a side of beef (half a cow) or a quarter.
After the cow is slaughtered, you pick up your butchered meat at a predetermined location.
Brown Cow Farm - coupons can be printed from the website.
Soy milk closely resembles cow's milk in both its constitution and in its appearance, however it is a water based extract of the soy bean.
Ants often "farm" aphids, using them to procure a sweet substance much as farmers will milk a cow.
Timberwolf has taken extreme measures to ensure your pet is not in danger of contracting Mad Cow Disease by eliminating the risk of BSE (Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy), better known as Mad Cow Disease, contamination.
Add in some well rotted cow manure and mix the soil up well.
Organic beef is less likely to be a source of Mad Cow Disease because the animals are not fed anything containing animal by-products, often the source of the contamination.
Whether you are looking for goat's, sheep's, or cow's milk cheese, you can find an organic version of your favorite in Vermont.
The high amount of grain creates fat marbling in the meat; however it also creates health problems throughout the body of the cow.
These problems make the cow more susceptible to diseases, including E. coli.
It can cause their udders to get so large that the cow has difficulty in walking or their udders become unhealthy.
This means that an 80 pound calf grows into a 1,400 pound cow in just over a year.
The most common animal hide used for making jackets is cow hide.
If you can't get out to bowl, play tennis or even rope a cow, this interactive game does it all.
Making a donation to a personal cause in the senior's name, such as donating a cow to a family overseas who is in need.
Research is underway to find a cure for the disease and other related diseases in the "prion" disease family such as mad cow disease.
Use the controller to help Rayman stave off the Rabbid invasion by competing in a number of insane mini-games (toss the cow, anyone?).
Both consoles look strong; both have their cash cow exclusives (Halo on the Xbox and Final Fantasy on the PS3).
In another mini-game, you spin Bessie, a cow, above your head by literally twirling the Wii Remote, launching the bovine wonder as far as you can by letting go (pressing A or B on the Wii-mote).
A few for-fun designs, such as the cow and pumpkin head, were done by new artists flexing their creative muscles.
Periodically sprint your cow (about once every five seconds) for about three seconds.
For example, a child with a cow's milk allergy must obtain his calcium, vitamin D, and other essential nutrients found in milk from other sources.
For infants who demonstrate sensitivity to cow's milk, formulas based on soy protein are available.
Regular grocery-store cow's milk, which cannot be adequately digested by infants and can cause gastrointestinal bleeding, should not be introduced until a child is a year old.
Foods that most often produce allergic reactions in infants are cow's milk, soy products, and citrus fruits.
Whole cow's milk-not cow's milk formula-should be avoided during the first year.
When lactose intolerance is suspected in infants and young children, many pediatricians recommend simply changing from cow's milk to soy formula and watching for improvement.
In addition, foods high in vitamin A, riboflavin, and vitamin B 12 should be included in the daily diet to compensate for the nutrients normally found in cow's milk.
Both human milk and cow milk contain rather low levels of iron (0.5-1.0 mg iron/liter).
However, the iron in the mother's breast milk is about 50 percent absorbed by the infant, while the iron of cow milk is only 10 percent absorbed.
Iron deficiency can be provoked where infants are fed formulas based on unfortified cow milk.
For example, unfortified cow milk is given free of charge to mothers in Chile.
Liquid cow milk-based infant formulas are generally supplemented with iron (12 mg/L).
Human milk and cow's milk both contain low levels of iron; however, the iron in human milk is in a highly absorbable form.
Human milk is a better source of iron than cow's milk, since about half of the iron in human breast milk is absorbed by the infant's digestive tract.
In contrast, only 10 percent of the iron in cow's milk is absorbed by the infant.
Toddlers who drink excessive whole cow's milk are at risk for iron deficiency.
Special formulas are available for infants sensitive to breast milk, cow's milk, and soy milk.
A filet mignon is a cut of meat from the tenderloin primal of a cow.
It's hang-out and be seen Union Street, an 8-9 block area in the Cow Hollow section of the City just west of the Presidio.
Among those it is said to cure is malaria, AIDS, many forms of cancer, several forms of hepatitis, mad cow disease, herpes, and many others.
Whey protein is isolated from whey, which is a by-product of the cheese made from cow's milk.
Align is free from most animal products except for a trace amount of cow's milk protein.
Whereas gluten is a complex protein found in grains, casein is the large protein molecule within cow's milk.
It is not as simple as just avoiding wheat and cow dairy since substances like soy sauce are a source of gluten also, and casein has been added in the past to soy-cheeses amongst other things.
People who are accustomed to the standard American diet--which is heavy on meat, bread, and dairy--are often surprised to know that it is possible to meet the necessary nutritional requirements without cow milk or gluten-containing grains.
Farm to Market gives a nutrition lesson from start to finish-- starting with milking a cow at the farm and ending with paying at the cash register.
Popular patterns for children's bedding include polka dots, hearts, checks, circles, cow prints, plaid, stripes, and abstract designs.
In the background include other nursery rhymes like the cat and the fiddle, and the cow jumping over the moon.
Many breastfeeding mothers never intend to offer breast milk for extended periods of time, but rather find themselves unable to make the switch to cow's milk once their child has passed that first year of life.
The Ultras have molded rubber lug outsoles, as well as cow suede toe and heel bumpers to ensure protection of your foot and the boots.
Many people feel that tattoos that depict Western culture, such as cow skulls, eagles, tumbleweeds and horses are also in line with a Native American style.
Some people choose to have cow skulls tattooed on their bodies, for example, because of the connection with cowboys and the Wild West.For others, skull tattoos may be part of their culture, such as with Dia de Los Muertos tattoos in Mexico.
I love the Big Alien Head one and the one about the cow abduction is eye catching too.
The UFO cow abduction clock was created after we heard about the cow mutilations in northern New Mexico and Southern Colorado.
Cow Face Pose is a good stretch of both the upper and lower body.
Made from a protein in cow's milk (not vegan friendly), these needles are said to make for smooth and effortless knitting and are very light.
Whey protein powder from cow's milk is a complete protein that boosts metabolic rates.
In The Omnivore's Dilemma (2007), author Michael Pollan explains that raising one cow in a standard factory farm uses roughly 35 gallons of oil.
Cow's milk and dairy products were also cited for contributing to this problem.
However, unless you want to really insult someone, don't call them la vache (cow).
In fact, most kinds of cheese that are usually made with cow's milk can actually be made with goat's milk as well.
Brie is a soft cow's milk cheese named for the province in France in which it originated.
Brie cheese is a cow's milk cheese that hails from France.
The cut is taken from the tenderloin of the cow which runs along each side of the spine.
It is a cut of meat that comes from the tenderloin of the cow.
The tenderloin is a long strip of meat that runs along either side of the rib cage of the cow.
This prime location is the part of the cow that gets the least amount of exercise, which is what makes the tenderloin the most tender cut of beef.
There are some basic differences between cow's milk and goat's milk.
When used in cheesemaking, goat's milk acts similarly to cow's milk, and you can make almost any cheese from it.
Cash Cow Records - Cash Cow Records is a great place to keep up on the British rap underground and stay on top of emerging artists.
The tween set cannot get enough of Miley Cyrus/Hannah Montana, and there are rumors that Cyrus is set to become a billion dollar cash cow for the Disney Company.
After taking part in a Bollywood audition and laughter yoga, they visit a spa where they experience local beauty regimes like using a netti pot and sipping cow urine.
In comparison to water or cow's milk, goat's milk reacts differently to soap making ingredients.
If you take this path to creating a Flash website, be prepared to spend some time studying sites such as Creative Cow or Free Adobe Flash Tutorials.
So far, deer and rabbits are easier for a few wolves to pull down than a healthy cow, but if the pack gets too big they may go after cattle.
God, he's branded like a cow!
He called late in the evening and said the cow was in poor condition and too old for what he wanted.
If she did something like this to him, he'd have a cow.
Only a buffalo cow right now - and a couple of Angora goats Carmen bought for me.
Beyond the paddock was the area where he had confined the buffalo cow.
Alex had the shed built so that she could feed the buffalo without going into the pen, but today she wanted to check on the cow.
I know that buffalo cow has always been gentle, but if she has a calf, she could get defensive.
It took her the better part of an hour to locate the cow, and if it hadn't been for the white form that raced out to meet them, she might have missed the cow in the hollow with her two calves.
The buffalo cow faced them, her massive head swaying back and forth in warning.
At the barn, Carmen fed and watered Brutus and threw some hay to the cow.
Something had frightened that cow.
If you'll take the wheelbarrow back to the camp, I'll ride Random back a ways and see what made the cow run through brush like that.
It is found in the allantoic liquid of the cow, and in the urine of sucking calves.
The friendly attitude of France towards Italy during the period immediately subsequent to the occupation of Rome seemed to cow and to dishearten the Vatican.
How far totemism, or belief in deified animal ancestors, existed in prehistoric Israel, as evidenced by the tribal names Simeon (hyena, wolf), Caleb (dog), IIamor (ass), Rahel (ewe) and Leah (wild cow), as well as by the laws respecting clean and unclean animals, is too intricate and speculative a problem to be discussed here.
The defence of the country was next cared for by regulations for the arming of the whole nation, down to every one who owned the value of a cow, a measure far in advance of the old feudal levy.
Among the animals are the puma, manatee (sea cow), alligator and crocodile, but the number of these has been greatly diminished by hunting.
Every believer will receive as his guerdon the inexhaustible cow and the gracious gifts of the Vohu mano.
Here was established, by licence from James I., the so-called Milk Fair, which remained, its ownership always in the same family, until 1905, when, on alterations being made to the Mall, a new stall was erected for the owners during their lifetime, though the cow or cows kept here were no longer allowed.
A strange episode in the legend of the destruction of man by the gods tells how Ra (or Re), the first king of the world, finding in his old age that mankind ceased to respect him, first tried the remedy of massacre, and then ascended the heavenly cow, and organized a new world - that of heaven.9 8.
After performing several feats of valour, he was appointed by Hera to watch the cow into which Io had been transformed.
In government it had to meet with the growing discontent of the Creoles, who found themselves treated as children, and their country looked on as a mulch cow.
The site of Jacksonville was called Cow Ford (a version of the Indian name, Wacca Pilatka), from the excellent ford of the St John's River, over which went the King's Road, a highway built by the English from St Augustine to the Georgia line.
Milk and Disease.-Although the milk of a perfectly healthy cow may be absolutely sterile, it is difficult to obtain it in that condition.
Even in the worst cases, therefore, only vegetable forms, easily destroyed by boiling, can find their ay into the milk from the body of the cow.
In India respect for the cow is widespread, but is of post-Vedic origin; there is little actual worship, but the products of the cow are important in magic.
In the same country we find the legend of a king who worshipped a cow.
During his reign the Tibetans obtained their first knowledge of arithmetic and medicine from China; the prosperity and pastoral wealth of the country were so great that " the king built his palace with cement moistened with the milk of the cow and the yak."
It is said that the shadow of Mount Athos fell at sunset on a bronze cow in the agora of Myrina.
Cow dung is less fertilizing than horse dung, but being slower in its action it is more durable; it is also cooler, and therefore better for hot dry sandy soils.
Bedding plants thrive best in a light loam, liberally manured with thoroughly rotten dung from an old hotbed or thoroughly decomposed cow droppings and leaf-mould.
The cow was the animal specially sacred to Hera both in ritual and in mythology.
The Homeric epithet 130wires may have meant "cow-faced" to the earliest worshippers of Hera, though by Homer and the later Greeks it was understood as "large-eyed," like the cow.
A car drawn by oxen seems to have been widely used in the processions of Hera, and the cow was her most frequent sacrifice.
The origin of Hera's association with the cow is uncertain, but there is no need to see in it, with Roscher, a symbol of the moon.
When the sky was imagined as a cow, whc was a calf born anew every morning.
She is depicted as a cow, or with a broad human countenance, the cows ears just showing from under a massive wig.
Every beast, camel, cow, sheep, donkey and horse is made to pay.
Tradition tells that James vowed " to make the key keep the castle, and the bush keep the cow," even though he " lived a dog's life " in the endeavour.
The plot of ground which can support a single cow (or 2 heifers, 3 calves or sheep, 4 pigs or 8 goats) is called a Kuhstoss (of which there are 270,389 in Switzerland), and it is in these terms that the productiveness of the alp is reckoned.
The milk given each day by each cow is entered in a book, and then made into butter and cheese, the cow-herds and cheese-makers having the right to a certain proportion of milk, butter and cheese for their own sustenance, and receiving a small sum per head of cattle for looking after them.
At the end of the season the net amount of cheese produced by milk from each cow is handed over to the owner of that particular cow, and is carried down by him to his home in the valley from the hut (a small building on four stone legs to secure the contents from mice) wherein the cheeses have been stored since they were made - this hut is called a Speicher.
The nilgai, or blue cow (Boselaephus tragocamelus) is also widely distributed, but specially abounds in Hindustan Proper and Gujarat.
The nilgai is held peculiarly sacred by Hindus, from its fancied kinship to the cow, and on this account its destructive inroads upon the crops are tolerated.
The horns of the bull are thicker than those of the cow, but the horns of the cow are larger.
In this respect, the veneration shown to serpents and monkeys has, however, to be viewed in a somewhat different light, as having a mythical background; whilst quite a special significance attaches to the sacred character assigned to the cow by all classes of Hindus, even those who are not prepared to admit the claim of the Brahman to the exalted position of the earthly god usually conceded to him.
In the Veda no tendency shows itself as yet towards rendering divine honour to the cow; and though the importance assigned her in an agricultural community is easily understood, still the exact process of her deification and her identification with the mother earth in the time of Manu and the epics requires further elucidation.
Possibly the growth of the legend of Krishna - his being reared at Go-kula (cow-station); his tender relations to the gopis, or cowherdesses, of Vrindavana; his epithets Gopala," the cowherd,"and Govinda," cow-finder,"actually explained as" recoverer of the earth "in the great epic, and the go-loka, or" cow-world,"assigned to him as his heavenly abode - may have some connexion with the sacred character ascribed to the cow from early times.
The fourth office is that of the deacons, who have to do with 1 " Tulchan," a calf-skin filled with straw, supposed to induce the cow to give milk freely; hence a term of contempt for one who is used as a dummy for the advantage of another.
The animals, domesticated or wild, like the horse or cow, the guardian dog, the bird of omen, naturally share the same life, and are approached with the same invocation.
In Egypt the relation was curiously reversed; the earth-god Keb was the husband of Nut, the sky, represented sometimes as a woman, overarching the earth and supported on hands and feet, sometimes as a gigantic cow, upheld on the outstretched hands of Shu, the atmosphere.
He was ordered to give up his quest and follow a cow which would meet him, and to build a town on the spot where she should lie down exhausted.
Intending to sacrifice the cow, he sent some of his companions to a neighbouring spring for water.
Butter made from the milk of the cow, the most sacred of animals, is used for anointing in the Hindu religion.
The transition, moreover, to settled life and agriculture belongs to the Aryan period; and to it may be traced the peculiar sancitity of the cow in India and Persia.
For the cow is the animal which voluntarily yields nourishment to man and aids him in his daily labors, and on it depends the industry of the peasant as contrasted with the wild desert brigand to whom the cow is unknown.
Their sole wealth is cattle and their chief food milk and blood; meat is only eaten when a cow happens to die.
It is derived from the vernacular word for the cow, but it is a mistake to suppose that the family are of the cowherd caste; they belong to the upper class of Mahrattas proper, sometimes claiming a Rajput origin.
The bulls are usually kept for ploughing, the cow being preferred for meat.
On every festive occasion, as a saint's day, birth, marriage, &c., it is customary for a rich man to collect his friends and neighbours, and kill a cow and one or two sheep. The principal parts of the cow are eaten raw while yet warm and quivering, the remainder being cut into small pieces and cooked with the favourite sauce of butter and red pepper paste.
The statement by James Bruce respecting the cutting of steaks from a live cow has frequently been called in question, but there can be no doubt that Bruce actually saw what he narrates.
The family of O'Clery, to which three of the celebrated " Four Masters " belonged, were hereditary 011aves (doctors of history, music, law, &c.) attached to the family of O'Donnell; while the " Book of the Dun Cow " (Lebor-na-h Uidhre), one of the most ancient Irish MSS., was in the possession of the O'Donnells in the 14th century; and the estimation in which it was held at that time is proved by the fact that it was given to the O'Conors of Connaught as ransom for an important prisoner, and was forcibly recovered some years later.
The takin, which may be compared in size to a Kerry cow, is a clumsily built brute with yellowish-brown hair and curiously curved horns, which recall those of the South African white-tailed gnu.
The ordinary cattle of Hainan are apparently a cross between the little yellow cow of south China and the zebu of India.
In calculating the amount of compensation the most characteristic and important element was Einechlan (= honour-price, honour-value), a value attaching to every free person, varying in amount from one cow to thirty cows according to rank.
The Sepoys thought that their caste would be destroyed if they touched the fat of the sacred cow or unclean pig; they were even persuaded that the British government wished to destroy their caste in order to facilitate their conversion to Christianity.
On the meeting of the new parliament Lord Salisburys government was defeated on an amendment to the address, demanding facilities for agricultural laborers to obtain small holdings for gardens and pasturethe policy, in short, which was described as three acres and a cow.
Triferrin is a paranucleinate of iron, and contains 22% of iron and 21% of organically combined phosphorus, prepared from the casein of cow's milk.
The Four Masters says that the lowing of a cow or the voice of a ploughman could scarcely be heard from Cashel to the farthest point of Kerry; Ormonde, who, with all his severity, was honourably distinguished by good faith, claimed to have killed 5000 men in a few months.
Heitsi Eibib was born in a mysterious way from a cow, as Indra in the Black Yaj;'r-Veda entered; nto and was born from the womb of a being who also bore a cow.
A cow licked the hoar-frost, whence rose Bur, whose children, Odin, Vile and Ve, slew the giant Ymir.
The Greek myths of the descent of the Arcadians, Myrmidons, children of the swan, the cow, and so forth, inay be compared.
Roxana threw in 1732 the bay colt Lath by the Godolphin Arabian, the sorrel colt Roundhead by Childers in 1733, and the bay colt Cade by the Godolphin Arabian in 1734, in which year she died within a fortnight after foaling, the produce-Cade-being reared on cow's milk.
Later she commonly wore the horns of a cow, and the cow was sacred to her; it is doubtful, however, whether she had any animal representation in early times, nor had she possession of any considerable locality until a late period, when Philae, Behbet and other large temples were dedicated to her worship. Yet she was of great importance in mythology, religion and magic, appearing constantly in the very ancient Pyramid texts as the devoted sister-wife of Osiris and mother of Horus.
Maybe he didn't want to screw a fat cow but then when he did want to, I didn't and both of us are too damn stubborn to talk about it.
I had to ball that fat cow Gladys to get in here and then pay a hell of a premium to those guys just to get a room of my own.
Of course, attacking an adult Texas long horn was a little different than a herd of hornless goats, but the cow was supposed to be carrying a calf.
In case of mastitis, a cow will normally be administered an antibiotic.
However, rewind back a couple of weeks and against Watford we couldn't hit a cow's backside with a banjo.
Nearby, en route for Meallan nan Eun, was Alpine bearberry, while small cranberry was fairly abundant on Brown Cow Hill.
Aunt Dahlia wants Bertie to go to Totleigh Towers to steal the cow creamer.
Betty is, in fact, a New Caledonian crow, a creature perhaps better adapted to bending wire than a cow.
The wildflowers might include ox-eye daisy, buttercup, yellow rattle, meadow sweet and cow slips.
Cow's milk exposure and type I diabetes mellitus.
For seven years he worked as a vine planter, irrigation ditch digger, cow puncher, and smallholder in the new Western state.
Dip after washing and drying, using disposable wipes to prevent the passing of infection from cow to cow.
The cows were facing the wall and a large gutter served to collect both cow dung and bedding straw.
He describes how when the cow has moved on, an army of creatures including earthworms, snails, mites and nematodes take over.
Animals include giant panda, elephant, lion, horse, cow, lamb, pig, monkey and teddy bears.
These can be natural fertilizers such as compost or dried cow manure granules, or an artificial fertilizer.
The cow's naturally occurring growth hormone, somatotropin, was first discovered in the 1920s.
In a few cases the intestinal pain is caused by inability to digest cow's milk.
Breastfed infants have less exposure to cow?s milk, a potential allergen in genetically susceptible children.
Abebech sold four goats to buy a cow and another two to buy schoolbooks and clothes for her children.
A fine brindled cow with a large udder was attached to the cart behind.
His nobles, whom he tried to cow by sporadic acts of violence, rebelled against him.
He was said to have built the labyrinth for Minos, to have made a wooden cow for Pasiphae and to have fashioned a bronze man who repelled the Argonauts.
The milk of the cow, which may be taken as typical of all others, and is indeed by far the most important and valuable of all, is, when newly drawn, an opaque white fluid, with a yellowish tinge, soft, bland and sweetish to the taste, and possessed of a faintly animal odour.
In 1796, he extracted fluid from the pox on the hand of a dairymaid named Sarah Nelmes—who had caught the condition from her cow Blossom—and injected the fluid into a cut in eight-year-old James Phipps's arm.
If you worry about gas emissions from cows contributing to climate change, lobby for a cow that doesn't have gas.
The milkers would let me keep my hands on the cows while they milked, and I often got well switched by the cow for my curiosity.
If we read of one man robbed, or murdered, or killed by accident, or one house burned, or one vessel wrecked, or one steamboat blown up, or one cow run over on the Western Railroad, or one mad dog killed, or one lot of grasshoppers in the winter--we never need read of another.
All the profound plans about cutting off and capturing Napoleon and his army were like the plan of a market gardener who, when driving out of his garden a cow that had trampled down the beds he had planted, should run to the gate and hit the cow on the head.
To him, it was no different than artificially inseminating a cow at his clinic... well, the concept wasn't.
There is a lady down in Texas who has a Longhorn cow she wants to sell.
I plan to look the longhorn cow over and come home.
Reaching through the slot, she poured the cow some grain.
Now all they needed to do was find the Buffalo cow and her calves and drive them through.
Carmen circled Princess around behind the cow and she finally decided to follow the captured calf.
The larger antelopes, so common on the African side of the Gulf of Aden, are not found, except one variety, the Oryx beatrix (called by the Arabs, wild cow), which is an inhabitant of the Nafud between Tema and Hail; it is about the size of a donkey, white, and with long straight horns.
The Vishnu Purana says, "The house-holder is to remain at eventide in his courtyard as long as it takes to milk a cow, or longer if he pleases, to await the arrival of a guest."
As a boy, Henry drove his mother's cow to the pastures, and thus early became enamoured of certain aspects of nature and of certain delights of solitude.
I did read about cow and calf.
Of these southern rivers the chief are the Kraai, which joins the Orange near Aliwal North, the Stormberg and the Zeekoe (Sea Cow), the last named having a length of 120 m.
I might get a Longhorn cow in a month or so.
Their only company was an inquisitive cow that stared at these intruders in her personal domain.
Cynthia leaned over as they drew near one and tried to pet it, but the cow moved away a few steps and began grazing again.
The presence of so many horses would only make the cow nervous.
The cow loves to eat grass as well as girl does bread and butter and milk.