Contaminate Sentence Examples
They also contaminate clothing, which thus becomes another means of dissemination capable of acting at a distance.
You need to be exceptionally careful not to contaminate the scene.
I don't want him to go back and contaminate the whole family.
Always wash your hands thoroughly before and after working with herbs to ensure that no bacteria from your hands contaminate the final tincture.
Shared fryers contaminate products with gluten.
Phosphorus can leach out of soil and contaminate water, leading to decreased water quality and harming the creatures that live in the water.
When naturally-occurring chemicals like nitrates and phosphorus contaminate water, the organisms don't have the right balance of nutrients to survive.
If water used in industries is not properly cleaned before being released, these chemicals can contaminate ecosystems.
Chemicals used to treat or clean up oil spills may further contaminate water supplies.
Since nothing is burned to produce the energy, nothing is released into the atmosphere to contaminate it.
AdvertisementBacteria can contaminate contact lenses or be transmitted by lenses when they are removed or inserted into the eyes.
It only takes one gallon of motor oil to contaminate one million gallons of drinking water.
Do not store the samples during transit or at home in areas likely to contaminate foodstuffs or drinks.
The virus can survive in landfill sites and could contaminate groundwater.
In contrast, the protein is more readily leached through soil with lower clay concentrations, indicating that it could contaminate groundwater.
AdvertisementAmong this Semitic folk is to be observed a great variety of immigrant stocks, settled in isolated patches, which have done much to contaminate the masses about them.
It follows, therefore, except for mechanical losses, that one charge of cryolite lasts indefinitely, that the sodium and other impurities in it are not liable to contaminate the product, and that only the alumina itself need be carefully purified.
Water can become more acidic when chemicals like sulfur dioxide contaminate it.
E-coli bacteria found in human waste can contaminate groundwater if wastewater is improperly treated.
The use of pesticides there has been so concentrated that it has been reported to contaminate the ground water.
AdvertisementWith fewer preservatives, it's easier to contaminate organic products, causing potential problems down the road.
Detergents have the potential to contaminate the groundwater.
It can also contaminate and clog ventilation, water supplies and drains.
Streptococcal infection occurs when bacteria contaminate cuts or open sores or otherwise penetrate the body's natural defenses.
Staph bacteria can also contaminate bedclothes, catheters, and other objects.
AdvertisementIn our polluted world, mercury and other heavy metals can contaminate fish.
In particular, plastic containers may contain unhealthy chemicals that have the potential to contaminate food.
Do not use Draino when making soap at home; this product contains metals that will contaminate your product.
Do not keep lye in metal containers, as this will contaminate the product.
In addition dead pigeons in uncovered water tanks can contaminate the water supply.
Factories and industrial sites often contaminate the soil with hazardous chemicals, and waste treatment plants, landfills, and septic systems leach contaminants into the soil that are both chemical and organic toxins.
Streptococcal (strep) infections are communicable diseases that develop when bacteria of the family Streptococcus invade parts of the body and contaminate blood or tissue.
The one feature of this kit that may concern some users is the test stick does not come with a cap, which means extra care must be taken not to contaminate the results or leave urine on a flat surface.
Like any plastic product, PVC yoga mats can contaminate the immediate environment long before they are thrown out at the dump; breathing in plastic fumes, for example, is not an ideal complement to yogic breathing.
Once in the environment, they migrate through the water table, and can contaminate municipal water supplies, poison fish in local lakes, and damage the delicate balance of nature in our parks, wildlife refuges and neighborhoods.