Being Sentence Examples
He was being positively rude.
All books are being scanned.
Those films are being made now.
He was caught being drunk in the back of a cab.
Being groped by him again wasn't something she was looking forward to.
I am a spiritually-centered person who loves every being she comes in contact with.
Now, think about everything being recorded.
She glanced back to make sure she wasn't being observed.
The total time counted the time being on this planet.
It was exciting being at the forefront of drug development through the study of gene sequences.
AdvertisementBy the time they arrived at the hospital, the twins were being placed in incubators.
All right, but I don't like being kept in the dark about all this.
I also liked to keep my hand on a singer's throat, or on a piano when it was being played.
The Gargoyles were very small of stature, being less than three feet in height.
Then, being very comfortable, he began to grow stronger.
AdvertisementWhy hadn't it occurred to her that Jonathan might feel he was being replaced?
Being ones to look a gift horse in the mouth, we graciously accepted.
You are being helped by an excellent salesperson who has been working there for twenty-five years.
He's been clear enough about that, and yet it's being pushed on him.
No one knows how he escaped being dashed to pieces.
AdvertisementI am afraid of being bad.
I like being alone....
I hear there is a deaf and blind child being educated at the Baltimore Institution.
There were bears and mountain lions, but in all the years she had lived here, she had never known of anyone being attacked.
Even Ms. Lopez herself told us that was unable to remember being in any films.
AdvertisementHe is now being hunted with hounds, but I hope soon to see him king over all Scotland.
Being in awe of them, the young man followed their direction to a tee.
He had the background and the education, but he obviously didn't have the inclination to adjust to the one being forced on him.
If you care about your fellow human being, you'll get a real buzz from solving patients' problems.
They played with the lambs in the field and saw no human being but the shepherd.
It had provided the opportunity for him to accuse her of being unfaithful.
You don't like being deceived.
Alex liked being in control, and he had none in this situation.
She wasn't looking forward to being in the room with Alex right now - especially so with the children there to listen.
I myself, not being built to eat, have no personal experience in such matters.
We call these rights "human rights" because they apply to every single person on the planet by virtue of simply being alive.
She was afraid of being late for Matins.
Being alone didn't seem so bad to me after all.
No one can see her without being impressed.
I was being a jerk.
You're being paid to talk?
Being here was probably a mistake.
He was more fun being quiet.
As robotic technology advances, we are being forced to readjust our expectations of machines' capabilities.
A lake like this is never smoother than at such a time; and the clear portion of the air above it being, shallow and darkened by clouds, the water, full of light and reflections, becomes a lower heaven itself so much the more important.
But it is a good thing for proprietors who perish morally, bring remorse upon themselves, stifle this remorse and grow callous, as a result of being able to inflict punishments justly and unjustly.
The convicts stopped when they reached the post and, while sacks were being brought, looked dumbly around as a wounded beast looks at an approaching huntsman.
He knew he was being backed into a corner.
Being in front carried its responsibilities.
It was hard to look at his face without being fascinated by the color of his eyes.
How could she tell him without being insulting?
Despite being the most efficient method ever, it is still highly inefficient, and this inefficiency inspires hope.
Nationalism, in my use of the term, is being an uncritical fan of your country.
They, being commonly out of doors, heard whatever was in the wind.
On being relieved from picket duty Rostov had managed to get a few hours' sleep before morning and felt cheerful, bold, and resolute, with elasticity of movement, faith in his good fortune, and generally in that state of mind which makes everything seem possible, pleasant, and easy.
Please excuse its not being quite dry.
Only an occasional sound of brush being pushed aside indicated he was still behind her.
They might have considered her an innocent bystander in her relationship with Allen, but being on the sideline again would, at minimum, make them suspicious.
And I insulted you by being such a brute.
He claimed he deserved to be caught for being stupid.
Ethel Reagan found none that fit her pattern being proved wrong.
You're being a good little girl.
These they could not see, but they could feel them pelting the buggy top, and Jim screamed almost like a human being when a stone overtook him and struck his boney body.
The point is that it is now illegal in every state, with Louisiana being the last to outlaw it in 2008.
As long as these states were to share a currency, a military, provide for interstate trade, and have a single foreign policy, they could retain the economic advantages of being a large nation while maximizing individual liberty and self-determination.
It gives me great pleasure to hear how much is being done for the deaf-blind.
Not only do we enjoy being together; but we also find our little home most delightful.
She has nearly finished Colburn's mental arithmetic, her last work being in improper fractions.
Sometimes I think Brandon being here has backfired.
Roxanne had a set her cap for him and Adrienne had no intention of being the one to spoil her friends' plans.
Being first in line one day meant being last in line the next.
Cade was trying to be accommodating, but sometimes he was as skittish about conversation as the cat was about being touched - and likely for the same reason.
I was raised on a farm, and being an only child, I learned not to depend on others for entertainment.
Unless - Maybe he was upset at being caught picnicking with his housekeeper.
There's no point in being uncomfortable just so you can prove what a macho man you are.
I mean... well you being my employer and all.
I tried to remember names on buildings but just being there was so awesome it was difficult to concentrate.
Talk about being put on the spot; my beloved set me up in spades.
I'd never experienced my wife being so upset.
I'm talking about Howie's reaction to witnessing a crime being committed.
The tips are states away from what's being tipped.
I have no idea how they do it but if my money helps to save lives; it is being put to good use.
I know you love being a nurse.
Progress is being made.
Is Brenda Washington's murder being investigated as tied to the death of Rupert Youngblood in California and the deputy sheriff in Alabama?
We had no right to challenge his choices in spite of our lives being tied to his as tightly as a water-logged knot.
My friends thought we might have one or two pupils in our own home, thereby securing to me the advantage of being helpful to others without any of the disadvantages of a large school.
If they were permanently congealed, and small enough to be clutched, they would, perchance, be carried off by slaves, like precious stones, to adorn the heads of emperors; but being liquid, and ample, and secured to us and our successors forever, we disregard them, and run after the diamond of Kohinoor.
While the horses were being harnessed Alpatych and Ferapontov over their tea talked of the price of corn, the crops, and the good weather for harvesting.
Nothing she had ever experienced in her life was more painful than that moment, knowing his pain and not being able to say a thing to help.
I got tired of being pawed.
Betsy, being from mid-America, found the ocean delightful.
Just like being with Aaron.
I won't spend my life being a monster!
Being surrounded by vamps all day and night made her crazy with the need to kill a few.
Maybe she'll learn a thing or two about being human.
I thought I was being smart, she said.
Being happy has nothing to do with where you are.
This is not me fighting against the tide of history but being swept along with it.
Of course, politics being what it is, the Peace Dividend was spent a dozen times over by as many special interests who felt they were the most deserving of such an unexpected largess.
Still there is much in the Bible against which every instinct of my being rebels, so much that I regret the necessity which has compelled me to read it through from beginning to end.
Why, only a little while ago people thought it quite impossible to teach the deaf-blind anything; but no sooner was it proved possible than hundreds of kind, sympathetic hearts were fired with the desire to help them, and now we see how many of those poor, unfortunate persons are being taught to see the beauty and reality of life.
Evidently the explanations furnished by these historians being mutually contradictory can only satisfy young children.
One thought had been gnawing at her consciousness since the first time she suspected him of being involved in drugs.
I don't like you being up there alone.
Hadn't she resigned herself to being the ugly duckling years ago?
That was why Pete chose the route - less risk of being robbed.
You stopped Otto's next victim from being abducted.
He didn.t remember his power being so strong.
At the same time Dr. Bell added that I could rest content and fight my way through Radcliffe in competition with seeing and hearing girls, while the great desire of my heart was being fulfilled.
It is amusing to read in one of the magazines of 1895 that Miss Keller "has a just and intelligent appreciation of different composers from having literally felt their music, Schumann being her favourite."
All that she is, all that she has done, can be explained directly, except such things in every human being as never can be explained.
On being told that she was white and that one of the servants was black, she concluded that all who occupied a similar menial position were of the same hue; and whenever I asked her the colour of a servant she would say "black."
I regard my pupil as a free and active being, whose own spontaneous impulses must be my surest guide.
Under a high state of cultivation, being manured with the hearts and brains of men!
Being curious to know what position my great bubbles occupied with regard to the new ice, I broke out a cake containing a middling sized one, and turned it bottom upward.
They had not met for nearly half a year and, being at the age when young men take their first steps on life's road, each saw immense changes in the other, quite a new reflection of the society in which they had taken those first steps.
Being the only child, she was probably over protective of him.
Friday was usually a hectic day, with people being released, so she was unable to leave early.
Was he being sarcastic, or was he still miffed about the losing the mules?
They slid down the hill a ways until they could stand without being seen.
The wages weren't all that great, but deducting rent, utilities and groceries from her present salary, it wound up being a good deal more.
Being the only postal employee in a small town, the petite extravert was always ready for conversation.
I guess being reclusive is a poor way to make friends.
How could I enjoy myself knowing he was being tended to and surrounded by strangers?
He named a figure that surprised us by being far less than we'd guessed.
We're not being fair to our employers.
You brought our man closer to being identified than anyone else so you should kiss off any guilty feelings.
The details are just now being posted but the murder occurred so long ago, I think it's outside your window.
I told her about the food in the refrigerator not being spoiled.
As a kid I was afraid of the dark and now that I'm all grown up, I don't much like being kept in the dark either.
I felt like a zombie, being led around aimlessly.
Instead of being the reject, you'll become a princess.
Accustomed to being shunned by people, she'd almost felt normal around the stranger who seemed unaffected by her magic.
Yully went to the back door, which she remembered always being open.
One being the first.
You want me to believe I'm an Original Being?
Now you're lying to me about being sick.
It's not easy being the good guy, and it's a job not many people can do.
The idea of him being vulnerable to anyone floored her.
Me being your mate isn't enough? she guessed.
You are saving five lives a day, simply by being my mate.
Darkyn said my weakness is being taken advantage of by others.
I'm just being honest.
I know I should be upset that Fitzgerald is running against you but I know his being in the race makes you want to run all the more.
Joseph has a gun and I don't like being used for target practice.
He paced the Bird Song nest, glancing at his watch every thirty seconds and grumbling about time being money on his Internet auctions.
I thought being in Atlanta might help her.
His scent and heat, the warmth of his magic, the heady sensations of being so close to him … She concentrated on placing her feet and not on his body.
They're pretty light on their feet for being so big.
He purposely didn't let himself think about Darkyn being in her bed instead of him.
In truth, Alex felt the full responsibility of being a role model.
Gabe strode to the lectern and watched the words of the Present being written across the pages.
The sense of being overwhelmed made Deidre grip the coffee mug hard.
Wynn being cornered by a demon and her body starting to give out on her.
How many had she unknowingly killed since being reborn a human?
What's it like being dead-dead?
She relaxed and sank into the soft leather seats of the Town Car, telling herself she was being granted a chance to be normal.
A tap at the door made Lankha pause, and she hurried to answer it to keep the healer from being distracted.
Did you ever come to know of your parents being different in any way?
Hannah looked again to the host, who pretended not to hear despite being less than two feet away.
His reward had been being sent to Hell, for what his brothers hoped was eternity.
Like you being here.
I think you have a better chance of being accepted by the Immortals if not my mate.
Rhyn watched, not wanting to leave for fear of being alone.
That he was troubled was no secret, though Rhyn didn.t understand why, aside from being a slave to Death.
Evelyn followed leisurely, unconcerned with being lost on the massive ship.
Kiera wiped her eyes and gazed at her with a deep frown, then said, "I had a dream once about being sent into outer space."
So I'm going to be stuck on a planet far away without a bus ticket home surrounded by spiders the size of basketballs and being bossed around by Neanderthal barbarians who forbid me to talk and lock me in the bathroom!
Romas said you're being a five-year-old, and I agree!
Other than being on a spaceship with aliens and super-tarantulas?
Her friend hadn't been joking about her being considered petite and unique.
Evelyn was upset at what was being said, emotions crossing her face quickly.
Being shorter than everyone else would be a boon this night; she waited until the two were out of sight before fading back toward the house.
The game room was the only place the sisters didn't bug her, and for the first time since being kidnapped by Evelyn and A'Ran, she found herself having fun.
I apologize if I am being too direct.
His view of her sweat pants in front of him were like a sack of footballs being dragged back to the locker room after a high school scrimmage.
Perhaps I'm being unfair.
It's called being mute.
He thought he was being funny.
I wasn't being fair.
He recalled none of this, nor his damaged body being placed on a litter at the narrow edge of the cascading water and lifted upward from the depth of the inaccessible gorge to the penstock path above.
Verily this I know, with all my being.
She had no self-image and was ashamed of being a prostitute.
I was being selfish.
He stood at the mirror and gazed upon himself for the first time since being abducted.
All would be said and done within fifteen minutes then, but damn, did he not deserve a little fun after being the go-to guy for everyone today?
She being the oldest, and he the youngest.
His story being that their family dealt in oil and real estate, and he managed some of their holdings.
Was she afraid of being hurt?
Jackson knew he had to give her something or she would burst, and, truth be told, he was proud of her for acting so casually when he knew every fiber of her being wanted to jump up and down screeching, 'Tell me, tell me!'.
They cursed the wolves, but both enjoyed their time being prisoners in their own home.
As she was practically being dragged up the stairs, Elisabeth looked back at Jackson.
What, being a vampire?
Everything the vines touched they crushed, and our adventurers were indeed thankful to have escaped being cast among them.
The houses of this city had many corners, being square and six-sided and eight-sided.
For goodness sake, what sort of a being are you?
If you look back across the span of time, you see wood plows being used in 4000 BC, then irrigation five hundred years later.
I enjoy having a play described to me while it is being acted on the stage far more than reading it, because then it seems as if I were living in the midst of stirring events.
Everybody will feel an interest in dear little Helen; everybody will want to do something for her; and, if she becomes an ancient, gray-haired woman, she is still sure of being thoughtfully cared for.
Education will bring light and music into Tommy's soul, and then he cannot help being happy.
Four dissimilar individuals, tied to a damaged being known only to one of us who at one time hated him for the loss of her friend.
I am involved—just being here.
As someone accustomed to being in control of her world, she needed a little more time before she was ready to face him.
She hated not being able to read his mind and see his thoughts, the way she had for the thousands of years they served the underworld together.
Then there were the rules their father had created about none of the brothers being permitted to kill the others, with the exception of Andre, whose sole purpose in life was to keep the Council on track and protect them.
If Sasha was telling the truth, the chances of her being alive weren.t good.
Perhaps being out here in the mountains would take your mind off all the troubles you're having.
At other moments, I am as distressed as the sinner that I am, being dragged to hell's fire beyond.
Well, at least her secret is still intact, even if it's now being preserved by Claire for all the wrong reasons.
He asked me if that was being bad.
Used to being alone, she was content with her own company.
Thus it is that any child may be taught to use correct English by not being allowed to read or hear any other kind.
God is alone--but the devil, he is far from being alone; he sees a great deal of company; he is legion.
Cato's half-obliterated cellar-hole still remains, though known to few, being concealed from the traveller by a fringe of pines.
The house being gone, he looked at what there was left.
The Cossacks sold the horse for two gold pieces, and Rostov, being the richest of the officers now that he had received his money, bought it.
Some of the peasants said that these new arrivals were Russians and might take it amiss that the mistress was being detained.
I slowly related my half-truth, half lie tale of Julie being upset and calling me.
Here I sit, having to listen to a sobbing lady instead of being on my way to more pleasant chores.
Perhaps being forthright was the best course of action.
After doubling back and being rewarded with a branch slap on my cheek I realized I wasn't wrong after all; the Pace Arrow was gone!
He's not being fair to you, Julie.
All the while, I couldn't block the vision of the wife I so loved, being herded at knife point.
The thought distracted her, and she both yearned to be with him and hated herself for not being able to shake the thought of him.
Unnerved by the idea of being somewhere she clearly didn't belong, she opened drawers until she found a pair of shears.
This isn't exactly easy being ripped from my life.
She rose, bored after being trapped alone the whole day in the condo, and peered through the peephole.
He can't do it on his own, Dusty, and it's not because I'm being overprotective.
Darian was right about Dusty being a dictator.
He felt completely depleted of his power, the sense of being fully human again returning.
The walk calmed his irritation at being powerless for the first time since the Schism.
He'd just admitted to being what her father warned her about!
Tell everyone I said hello and I'm being held hostage by one of the Others.
He grunted as he shoved it in front of the door moments before the door bucked under the force of some otherworldly being.
The guardsman struck with nonchalance that told Jule just how much he was being underestimated.
The needle was smaller than she remembered needles being, and she steadied her breathing before plunging it into his arm.
Her father hated this man for some reason, and being near him put them both in danger.
Damian didn't respond, silently cursing the being.
She didn't remember him being so large.
The number of beings capable of killing one was less than five, and the last thing they needed was an Original Being showing up to complicate matters.
She felt the sense of being centered for the first time in her life and knew it was because of the man before her.
I'm not much for being home alone, Rourk replied.
The funny thing is, the Watcher told me that any Original Being that was set free would destroy the world.
The Vamp is here, and yet the only tear between realms was caused by Darian and is being pursued by the Watchers and Others, Damian said.
The Original Being was impossible to track with his senses and seemed to fade in and out of existence.
Sofi wasn't surprised to learn he was an Original Being and had known where to find this creature.
There's something she knows that an Original Being doesn't?
Cody, sprawled in the middle of the street after being hit by a car, blood trickling from his skull into a nearby storm drain.
He recognized the procedure but hadn't heard of it being used since before his brother, Darian, had died thousands of years ago.
He entered his office and froze, sensing the presence of the otherworldly being.
There was the sound of a phone being shuffled from one person to another, then a flat, deep male voice.
And Sofia, I don't appreciate being stood up.
Despite being able to bench press two of her, the men actually listened.
Here she sat, covered in blood, drugged, one day from being all out crazy, then kidnapped—and the sight of the man before her turned her on.
This one clung to him as if he were the only thing preventing her from being swept overboard.
The thought of him made her feel like a girl in junior high being asked to her first dance.
If there's one thing that drives Dustin crazy, it's being kept in the dark.
She hung in indecision for a long moment until she recalled that being in his arms was the only place she ever found peace.
You were forced into a transition without being prepared for it.
It was his turn to be ticked at the world—she was sick of being alone and angry.
The battle got so bad that the only way to prevent the annihilation of every being in the universe was to divide the physical and divine worlds.
Dusty gave Damian a cool look, and he heard the unspoken warning about women being the downfall of mankind.
Rainy will have to get used to pink stuff being everywhere.
It kinda hurt getting killed, and it really sucks not being able to eat food.
That was right after I met them, before the Schism and being paroled to earth.
The staging area was where the vamp remembered it being, tucked at the base of a mountain in a draw.
The being left, but the peace remained.
She backed away, unable to fathom the idea of being trapped with him in Hell for eternity.
Darkyn's assertions about her destiny being with him left her in a foul mood.
I prefer the alternative of them being non-existent, he said.
Darkyn himself had shown some signs of being affected by her, perhaps not as much as she liked, but more than she ever expected.
He had almost been kind, or at least, as kind as he was capable of being.
He laughs at me for being unwilling to hurt anyone else, but he says no one should feel shame about who they are.
Deidre was being asked by the woman who stole her lover and her destiny for advice.
If you're interested in being the friend of someone like me.
She was the last to lose hope, and it was being forced to see how out of place she was in Gabriel's equation that finally broke her resolve.
The demon lord had just admitted to being happy, in his own way.
She knew she'd deserve it, just for being in here.
Martha asked, showing the first glimmer of interest since being told of her forced departure.
Cynthia was startled by the young girl's unusual tone and immediately regretted not being forthcoming.
I can just picture you spread-eagle over your Jeep, being frisked by some woman as all our friends drive by!
And if they told about the thing that was there, then they'd get in trouble, for being there, in the place they weren't supposed to be in.
That's one of the consequences of being someplace where you're not supposed to be.
That's when I knew what everyone says about old mines being dangerous is true.
They trudged home without a word being spoken.
It serves him right for being so irresponsible!
While Dean was fully exonerated from any wrongdoing in the unfortunate affair, either Fitzgerald failed to agree with the determination or simply despised being judged wrong.
Dean felt equally acrimonious toward the overbearing state official whom he hadn't seen since the winter and who, in Dean's mind, had no business being back in Ouray.
As he was about to leave, Brandon Westlake returned with Cynthia and, being sympathetic to his labors, volunteered to ferry the returning swimmers back to Bird Song.
God love him—he had followed the Boston Red Sox for sixty years and couldn't even dream of ever being there himself.
But here was twenty-year-old Randy Byrne, at the threshold of life, batting .362 with seventeen home runs, a slew of RBI's, and a glove that could stop a freight train, being offered the world!
In spite of being a mediocre athlete at best, Dean had thrived on sports.
With all you're got on your plate, being a basket case would be perfectly acceptable behavior.
The Dawkinses, back to being cautiously nice to each other, were dressed for business—another necktie and nylons day, according to Paulette—scheduled for a group visit to their attorney and a realtor.
It's kind of spooky knowing that's a part of a human being.
He hummed, a feeling of mild accomplishment sandwiched between the failure to contact Martha and the trepidation of potentially being made a fool by Seymour "Fitz" Fitzgerald, sheriff candidate.
You're being naughty again, aren't you?
It's really tough not being able to get away with anything when you're around.
You're in better hands than I was being on Billy's team.
She wanted to make sure her stuffed owl SB was being hugged and Alice watered.
In spite of him being the school jock, I still had my standards.
My, you're being a regular nosy little detective, aren't you?
Here was this old geezer acting like I was a human being.
In spite of being born here, I never visited either.
What are the odds of her meeting this guy and being the daughter of his mine manager from twenty years earlier and a thousand miles away?
You're just afraid she'd toss you off the mountain for being so nosy—as well she should!
Fred's back to being upset over this jury business.
He never saw another human being.
They even jailed him a couple of times, just for being rowdy.
But back then, being pregnant with no husband didn't get you up the social ladder any too fast.
I forgot all about Firestone being in Ouray.
A poor example of being objective.
Cynthia said, simplicity being one of her many virtues.
Both Dawkins brothers were being offered excessive prices for the Lucky Pup land, from some supposedly unknown and secret purchaser.
He insisted on being kept abreast of the news.
You said she knows Patsy from being a guard at Cañon City.
But there was the little problem of the pack of cigarettes Martha clearly described as being with the bones in the Lucky Pup Mine.
I think the best course of action in this instance is inaction—let this business play itself out, at least for the time being.
Cynthia's always accusing me of being too pushy.
While she acted blasé about his life and death, Dean wondered if she were being entirely truthful with herself.
It was our assumption that the mine was being worked in the sixties.
We dated the bones in the sixties based on circumstances—when we thought the mine was being worked and when it was sealed.
He qualified as always being around.
He had no flashlight, and the fear he'd felt during his first trip into this deep and dank hole was compounded by the absence of being able to see.
He said he told a young lad about them in hopes the boy would 'find' them and eliminate Billy from being accused.
Billy admitted to being pretty drunk when he found them.
He thought it was a present from me, being his oldest friend.
Pleased with herself, she began to think being human wasn't going to be so hard.
The purpose of this apartment was to give her a place to practice being human.
In her mind, she saw only them being happy, finally, after an eternity of struggling to understand one another.
Being able to trust my own mate.
Not many people thought differently of the first Ancient Immortal, who had led the Council with six of his sons for many years before being killed.
He barely accepted the idea of being mated to a woman who only looked like his ex.
He moved to sit on the trunk at the end of the bed, close enough to see the details of her features without being too tempted to take her in his arms.
What could be more important than being able to spend eternity with her?
It had been where Wynn, the father of all the Immortals on the Council, had lain for hundreds of years before being dragged out by Sasha, the son who betrayed them all to Darkyn.
You serious about demons being after me?
Being human isn't easy.
She turned to leave, suspecting she didn't have much time before Cora returned and raised the alarm about her being gone.
She trotted to the spot she'd identified from the tree as being where the currents appeared to originate from.
He wanted to think that being booted from his position was the least of his concerns.
I'm being straight with you.
He chose to overlook Cora's disappointment at how close she'd been to home without being able to go back.
I can help you with being Death.
It's like your soul is being torn in two.
She was plotting her return with a chain of events that ended with the human that bore her likeness being turned over to Darkyn.
As irritated as he was with Darkyn's words, he was also fascinated by the idea the demon lord who prided himself on preying on the vulnerabilities of others was capable of being offended.
He had the sense of being in a dream.
But she was human now, capable of being what she wasn't before.
He tried hard not to think about his soul being kicked around in the underworld.
He didn't know if it was because of Darkyn or because of being attacked by death dealers that defected.
He wanted to condemn the horrible things past-Death had done that resulted in an innocent human being thrown to the Dark One.
Being near her calmed him, despite his ambivalence.
Wynn was wrong about her being broken.
If anything, it made Darkyn look bad for not being able to defeat the disorganized rabble.
Gabriel said nothing, troubled by the idea of either girl being unable to help herself.
Whatever lay ahead, being with her would make it more pleasant.
He had given up being a salesman to fulfill a lifelong dream of being a veterinarian.
Being wrong won't stop her from taking Destiny if she's determined, though.
And yet, in spite of her comment about only being there for a short time, Lori came back several times to visit Destiny.
Destiny had finally reached the point that she would tolerate being held by Lori, but after a few minutes she was ready to get down or go to Alex, Carmen or Jonathan.
I always figured being a stay-at-home mom would be a plush job.
So far, she hadn't been there to witness any of her foals being born yet.
Alex says it's best to let them alone, but Casper is used to being around me.
Have I ever told you how much I enjoy being married to you?
Remember, being unconscious doesn't mean he can't hear what you say.
At first she had thought of him as being asleep, but in the last few days reality was beginning to sink in.
Carmen dreamed all night about being chased by a dog with red hair.
He had certainly shown patience for her recovery after Alexia died – even when she was being unreasonable.
This new method was like being intimate with a stranger.
Being Alex's sister, that seemed an unwise choice.
How can you be shy after being married so long?
To him it was innocence – a little like every time being the first time.
So much for being frugal.
It felt good being in them again.
All that was left was the physical act of being gone.
I figured she was better off not being exposed to that situation.
It was a big jump for someone so committed to being morally correct.
I know I'll enjoy being with my family – no matter where we go.
Deidre, for what little this is worth, I apologize for not being good enough or smart enough or quick enough to prevent the inevitable.
Deidre stopped to admire bouquets being sold on a street corner.
Wynn didn't like being out of control, at the mercy of one he couldn't predict or manipulate.
I'd like to think there's greater meaning to both of us being reincarnated.
It was like being drunk, but on a person, not alcohol.
Instead of being cheered by the news, he was annoyed.
Gabe snorted, knowing his assassins were unaccustomed to being challenged by anyone.
It was deeper, beyond the physical joining, the sense of being one.
The sense of being protected, safe, floated through her.
Deidre had the sense of being late to a conversation.
His pointed teeth rested on his lower lip, his dark eyes displaying the intelligence of a being that existed from the time-before-time.
He'd never thought of being locked out of the underworld as an advantage, but the soul Darkyn wanted wasn't likely one of those in the lakes on the mortal world.
You remember being born here and everything?
I don't remember being born, but I mean, I grew up in Indiana and moved to Atlanta for college and stayed after I graduated.
Tell me what happened that made you walk out on being a doctor.
Being alone meant she started thinking again, something she didn't want to do.
Who's to say there aren't genetic variations that lend people to being different? he asked, shrugging.
Very honorable of you to give her a choice of being with you after how she treated you all those years.
Furious at the idea, Gabe began to wonder how the reincarnated Deidre made it this far without being slaughtered by one of her many enemies.
The only one who seemed willing to talk to her before being shushed by Daniela was Rhyn.
Normal kids didn't ask about the underworld or being human.
Being Immortal, that meant pretty much forever.
It made more sense than Wynn being hit by Gabe.
She couldn't remember seeing his chiseled features in full light without being drunk or terrified.
She stopped a dozen meters before the edge of the forest, wondering if there was any sort of hazard in being so close to whatever it was causing the lake to be green in the first place.
He was loyal, if concerned about being trapped on the mortal plane.
Gabe waited a few minutes for the assassin being replaced to appear.
As nonchalant as Wynn was being about it, he knew what it meant.
He didn't like not being self-reliant.
There was no way of knowing whose souls had crossed over to the mortal world, but he was going to trust that Fate was on his side, for the time being.
She loved being in his arms, as much as she hated him right now!
He wasn't really sure Rhyn would consider being sentenced to eternity with a mate much of an improvement over Hell.
Rhyn was being given a second chance, and Gabriel hoped he killed Sasha before the sands in the hourglass were gone.
At least he wasn't burning or drowning or freezing or watching his skin being pulled from his body and screaming.
His body contorted, and agony floated through him as the sixty seconds of being whatever he'd been was up and he changed again.
She hadn't been able to shake the cold she felt and was dressed in layers despite the thermostat being set to eighty.
Being underground meant he was a much harder target to hit, yet despite his attempts to convince his brother to act likewise, he'd not yet succeeded.
Despite being brothers, neither approved of what the other did.
Everywhere you work, you're recognized for being the brilliant person I know you are.
Any thought she had at Andre's apartment not being the target fled as she saw the damage done to her side of the building.
She'd been terrified since being told she had amnesia, but she'd stayed strong.
She needed more rope to reach the top of the cliff, yet being dinner for any creature wasn't the way she'd like to go.
Like being a mortal blood monkey is soooooooo far above lunchmeat!
She heard the kid scream and hunched her shoulders, nearly vomiting at the sounds of his body being torn apart.
What's so significant about being his mate?
He wiped his face, and she sensed again he was unaccustomed to being challenged.
She frowned at the thought of Rhyn being gone all the time but was glad Jade would be with them and not around to try to drag her back to Sasha.
He didn't know a thing about being a mate.
She made it to the sand before being forced to slow to a walk by the ankle-deep, loose sand.
Her blood was already on fire from their bodies being pressed together, and heat pooled in the base of her belly.
He'd gone from being tormented by his own mother to the affection of an abusive father who regretted ever having him.
Her nightmares that night involved her sister, Hannah, being eaten by the jaguar with the white patch over his eye.
The house was too quiet for her comfort, and she felt the familiar sense of being watched.
She didn.t remember him being so tall in Hell, but she.d been afraid to look too hard at him when she passed his cell.
It was dawn, and she breathed a sigh of relief at being safe.
I planned on going to Seychelles to escape the east coast cold, but Gio said being invited here was an honor.
That didn.t stop her from being angry at the man who would dump her sister off to deal with the hell she.d gone through.
Do you ever think better off not being together?
It ain.t easy being a good demon.
Even so, Rhyn.s flaws stemmed from his nature of being a half-demon.
Yes, but I have to object to Immortal business being carried out in the Sanctuary.
I'm not going on blind dates or being hooked up with hairy alpha males.
Kiera had suspected Romas to be independently wealthy by his complete lack of concern for being anywhere but with Evelyn for the last three months.
As in, there are the two of you being lovey-dovey and happy, and me hanging out by the bushes.
They seemed to be moving very slowly for being on a spaceship, she mused.
The idea of being stuck on some strange planet made her want to panic and run screaming for the first spaceship she found.
He relaxed and tested the muscles of his arm again, dissatisfied with being injured.
I'm having some problems with messages being intercepted after they leave the planet.
Being so close rattled her senses, and she thought again of the kiss they had shared over a month before.
She awaited some sort of reprimand, already wounded by the thought of being publicly embarrassed.
A'Ran crossed his arms, more hesitant to consider his second in command-- and closest friend-- being a traitor now that his sister was involved with Ne'Rin.
With there being no current battle, there was nothing to test her.
Talal's assessment of there being something wrong returned to her.
His own messengers brought him vague news of unrest from the battlefront and news of there being new opponents at the battle.
She'd wanted to see if he was capable of being anything more than the cold, distant warrior obsessed with war.
He hadn't set foot on the planet since being made the dhjan upon his father's death.
She couldn't let her sense of hope seize her for fear of being devastated.
After a century, electricity was still being generated.
Then he added, "I should know, being as I'm in the business, so to speak."
They just suspected she might have lived here, Ouray being a small town and all.
The second earliest dated letter expressed sorrow that the wedding could not take place in Boston and a gift was being shipped separately.
He nodded in agreement and she continued, Being a flannel gal is nice, too.
Thanks for being 'a bit misleading.'
He mentioned the term kidnapping, but of course being the saint he is he wouldn't press charges against his wife who according to him was just temporarily disturbed.
She didn't even mention being too late to take him to dinner.
I think it's great being active even after you've got a few grey hairs.
But when I met her, the boy wasn't even with her and she laid this soap opera story on me about leaving Shipton and being pregnant.
It was most unkind of you to cruelly diagnose him otherwise and accuse him of being a thief.
By the time the group stopped for lunch—two large five-cheese pizzas at Big Billie's—Donnie had progressed to the point of being able to ski alone from the top of the beginner slope.
While Dean had no desire to participate in the new and perilous sport of ice climbing, he didn't share Cynthia total perplexity at why a sane human being would even consider subjecting himself or herself to such uncomfortable danger.
Dean, crossing his fingers at being on a roll, decided to ask about the death of Shipton's son.
She did attempt to engage an uninterested climber in a conversation about her Great-aunt Annie being one of the founders of the Ouray Woman's Club, back in 1897 and how she helped form the Ouray Library, with her friend, the famous millionaire, of Hope Diamond fame, Tom Walsh.
But Fred was being unusually patient.
Stop being a dickhead.
Dean frowned, perturbed at being discovered scrounging through Shipton's belongings, but he continued.
While she denied any knowledge of her phone number being in Shipton's room, Dean questioned if she was telling the truth.
Without being seen by anyone?
Dean supposed this was his idea of being subtle while trying to cut off the open path.
Dean knew from his prior life the pair were just doing their job but that didn't mean he had to like being watched like a street felon.
Dean realized from his past experience that being forthcoming and subjecting himself to interrogation without an attorney was naive but the entire idea of his trying to kill Shipton was so ludicrous in his mind, he tended to minimize the seriousness of the situation.
I thought she was just being paranoid, like some bad TV nonsense.
Maybe being so dizzy is an act with her.
Whoever cut that rope managed to do so without being seen.
That Edgar Poe guy wrote a story about the obvious being overlooked.
It pisses me off being shut out.
Dean returned to his quarters without being seen and found Fred still at work on his notes.
Frankly, I agree he was being a pain in the ass, but you quit being a detective when you left the East—we're the guys still on the job.
Then she added, I know I'm not being fair, but please, let me do this my way.
Priscilla handed the Weller a coffee cup without being asked, a sure sign the sheriff was a regular.
The afternoon sun bathed them like summer, and Dean, in spite of being coatless, was embraced by the warmth.
Pay dirt being, that Whitehouse guy was right.
That raises the question about Donnie not being able to talk.
You're being unfair to me, Edith.
Mrs. Shipton was packaged a little loosely to start with, so the white dress and her being pregnant and all just pushed her all the further.
That was a human being they hauled out of here, Gladys.
Donnie just grimaced, an acknowledgment that he was paying attention to what was being said, and harbored no desire to see his stepfather.
Was he being unfair, taking the easy way out?
Dean knew he was being foolish beyond any measure of reason to venture even the short distance that would allow him to see beyond the overhang.
I'd had a problem myself all along, not seeing Edith as being on the brink of suicide.
He watched, but stood too far away to tell if she had the blank stare of someone being influenced.