Abounds Sentence Examples
The river abounds in coarse fish.
He was an extremely vigorous controversialist, and his Latin abounds in denunciatory epithets.
On the Coastal Plain the soil is generally sandy, but in nearly all parts of this region more or less marl abounds; south of the Neuse river the soil is mostly a loose sand, north of it there is more loam on the uplands, and in the lowlands the soil is usually compact with clay, silt or peat; toward the western border of the region the sand becomes coarser and some gravel is mixed with it.
This tree, the "liard" of the Canadian voyageur, abounds on many of the river sides of the northwestern plains; it occurs in the neighbourhood of the Great Slave Lake and along the Mackenzie River, and forms much of the driftwood of the Arctic coast.
Water everywhere abounds, and is supplied to the shipping by means of tanks.
Similar preparations are in use wherever the spruce fir abounds.
In the countries in which it abounds, the log-houses of the settlers are often built of the long straight trunks.
Red cedar (Cedrilla) abounds in the riverine flats, but the quality is poor and commercially valueless; and oaks are plentiful, but the wood is coarse.
The Book abounds in hypercriticism, particularly in the imputation of profanity; and in a useless display of learning, neither intrinsically valuable nor conducive to the argument.
Albania abounds in ancient remains, which as yet have been little explored.
AdvertisementFew crowded neighbourhoods are visible, and the characteristic features of the scene which meets the eye are the upturned roofs of temples, palaces, and mansions, gay with blue, green and yellow glazed tiles, glittering among the groves of trees with which the city abounds.
The surrounding country abounds in coal, iron ore, oil, clay, stone and timber, for which the city is a distributing centre.
The Malay language abounds in idiomatic expressions, which constitute the chief difficulty in its acquisition.
The law abounds in contradictions and repetitions, and the compositions are calculated in different moneys.
The rabbit is believed to be a native of the western half of the Mediterranean basin, and still abounds in Spain, Sardinia, southern Italy, Sicily, Greece, Tunis and Algeria;.
AdvertisementThe southern slope is smooth, and abounds in creeks and rivers.
The Lake Of Bizerta, called Tinja by the Arabs, abounds in excellent fish, especially mullets, the dried roe of which, called botargo, is largely exported, and the fishing industry employs a large proportion of the inhabitants.
It is situated in a rich agricultural region which abounds in oil and natural gas.
Cicero's De Officiis abounds in the kind of question afterwards so warmly discussed by Dr Johnson and his friends.
Fine white freestone abounds in the immediate vicinity (as at Craigleith, from the vast quarry of which, now passing into disuse, the stone for much of the New Town was obtained) and furnishes excellent building material; while the hard trap rock, with which the stratified sandstones of the Coal formation have been extensively broken up and overlaid, supplies good materials for paving and road-making.
AdvertisementThe spring hare (pedetes capensis) abounds.
The district abounds in geysers, springs, mud volcanoes and other phenomena; some of the waters have petrifying powers, and some of the springs are vividly coloured.
The district of which Cobar is the centre abounds in minerals of all kinds, but copper and gold are those most extensively worked.
Pittston is in the midst of the richest anthracite coal region of the state, and fire-clay also abounds in the vicinity.
The Teme abounds in trout and grayling, and Tenbury is in favour with anglers.
AdvertisementThe stony plains which cover so large a part of the country are often covered with acacia jungle, and in the dry water-courses a kind of wild palm, the dom, abounds, from the leaves of which baskets and mats are woven.
The principal formation is coralline limestone; the eastern coast is defended by coral reefs, and the neighbouring sea (extending as far as New Guinea, and thus demonstrating a physical connexion with that land) is shallow, and abounds in coral in full growth.
It abounds with remarks of extraordinary fertility and comprehensiveness; but it is often arbitrary; and its views of the past are strained into in the coherence with the statical views of the preceding volume.
Owari abounds in porcelain stone; but it does not occur in constant or particularly simple forms, and as the potters have not yet learned to treat their materials scientifically, their work is often marred by unforeseen difficulties.
Green mud abounds off the east coast of North America seawards of Cape Hatteras, also to the north of Cuba, and on the west off the coast of California.
The formation of the blue mud is largely aided by the putrefaction of organic matter, and as a result the water deeper than 120 fathoms is extraordinarily deficient in dissolved oxygen and abounds in sulphuretted hydrogen, the formation of which is brought about by a special bacterium, the only form of life found at depths greater than 120 fathoms in the Black Sea.
The vicinity abounds in coal, but is principally agricultural, and Clinton's chief interest is in trade with it.
The surrounding country is a fine farming region, which also abounds in coal, fire-clay and building stone.
Pipeclay abounds in the neighbourhood, and in the 17th century Amesbury was famous for the best pipes in England, many of which are preserved in Salisbury museum.
The neighbourhood abounds in market gardens and plantations of aromatic herbs for the manufacture of scents and essences.
The pukeko, a handsome rail, abounds in swamps.
The speckled trout, which abounds in nearly all of the mountain streams and lakes, is the principal game fish.
The Little Orme has caverns and abounds in sea birds and rare plants.
The surrounding country abounds in goldand silver-bearing quartz deposits, and it is estimated that from the famous Last Chance Gulch alone, which runs across the city, more than $40,000,000 in gold has been taken.
The tulip tree produces a good clear lumber known as white wood or poplar, and is also a source of pulp. In the south both white and yellow pine abounds.
To the eastward it abounds in mountains and valleys; to the westward it is a rolling plateau.
Algeria abounds in extensive salt lakes and marshes.
Its burrows are sought after in the countries where it abounds, both for capturing the animal and for rifling its store.
Much scarcer is the second species, the sand-lizard (Lacerta agilis), which is confined to some localities in the south of England, the New Forest and its vicinity; it does not appear to attain on English soil the same size as on the continent of Europe where it abounds, growing sometimes to a length of 9 in.
Palms are common, the chestnut abounds in many places, the cacti are almost as numerous as on the open plateau.
The borough has a large trade with the surrounding country, which is well adapted to agriculture and abounds in limestone.
The whole White Mountain region abounds in deep narrow valleys, romantic glens, ravines, flumes, waterfalls, brooks and lakes.
But this secondary authority (the Flatey Book narrative), which till lately formed the basis of all general knowledge as to Vinland, abounds in contradictions and difficulties from which Eric the Red Saga is comparatively free.
Long before his death he had become alienated from the advanced school of Catalan nationalists, and endeavoured to explain away the severe criticism of Castile in which his Historia de Cataluna y de la Corona de Aragon (1860-1863) abounds.
The application of electricity to purposes of manufacture and transportation made the waterfalls and rapids in which the country abounds the source of an almost unlimited supply of energy capable of easy distribution for industrial purposes over wide areas.
The larch abounds on the Alps of Switzerland, on which it flourishes at an elevation of 5000 ft., and also on those of Tirol and Savoy, on the Carpathians, and in most of the hill regions of central Europe; it is not wild on the Apennine Branchlet of Larch (Larix europaea).
In many parts all the finer trees have been cut down, but large woods of it still exist in the less accessible districts; it abounds especially near Lake St John, Quebec, and in Newfoundland is the prevalent tree in some of the forest tracts; it is likewise common in Maine and Vermont.
About two-thirds of the boundary of Mayo is formed by sea, and the coast is very much indented, and abounds in picturesque scenery.
The neighbourhood abounds in ironworks, collieries, quarries and potteries, and is thickly populated.
Kaolin abounds in Chester and Delaware counties, and fire-clay in several of the western counties.
Glass sand abounds both in the eastern and in the western sections and for many years Pennsylvania has used this more extensively in the manufacture of glass than any other state.
Probably no country in the world, excepting perhaps inner Africa, so abounds in wild animals as the cold solitudes of the northern plateau.
The valley is a part of the anthracite coal region of Pennsylvania, fire clay abounds in the vicinity, and .the borough's principal industries are the mining and shipping of coal, and the manufacture of shirts and foundry products.
The Canary (Serinus canaries) is indigenous to the islands whence it takes its name, as well, apparently, as to the neighbouring groups of the Madeiras and Azores, in all of which it abounds.
It abounds not only in antitheses, but also in questions and exclamations, tropes and metaphors, and other mannerisms of the silver age.
An opera called La Muette, which abounds in appeals to liberty, was played, and the audience were so excited that they rushed out into the street crying, " Imitons les Parisiens !"
The habits and dress of the various orders may be seen in Helyot's Histoire, which abounds in plates, coloured, in the ed.
The literature of the ancient Hebrews abounds in allusions to the lion; and the almost incredible numbers stated to have been provided for exhibition and destruction in the Roman amphitheatres (as many as six hundred on a single occasion by Pompey, for example) show how abundant these animals must have been within accessible distance of Rome.
The district abounds in coal, lime and ironstone.
Behar abounds in great rivers, such as the Ganges, with its tributaries, the Ghagra, Gandak, Kusi, Mahananda and Sone.
Mines and Minerals.Germany abounds in minerals, and the extraordinary industrial development of the country since 1870 is largely due to its mineral wealth.
In south Germany salt abounds most in WUrttemberg (Hall, Heilbronn, Rottweil); the principal Bavarian works are at the foot of the Alps near Freilassing and Rosenheim.
The London clay, of which the island is composed, abounds in fossils.
Like all the Delta lakes, Mareotis abounds in wild-fowl.
It contains a large number of islands, and the whole lake abounds in reeds of various kinds., Of the islands Tennis (anciently Tennesus)
The haggada abounds in parables.
Transylvania abounds in mineral springs of all kinds, especially saline and chalybeate, the principal ones being found at Borszek,.
The city has a level site in the midst of a good agricultural country, which abounds in coal and fire-clay.
The Fayum also possesses an excellent breed of sheep. Lake Kerun abounds in fish, notably the bulli (Nile carp), of which considerable quantities are sent to Cairo.
It abounds in error as to matters of fact, contradicts human experience, reason and morals, and is one tissue of folly, deceit, enthusiasm, selfishness and crime.
This was manufactured from the Mytilus californianus, a mussel which abounds there.
They live chiefly on turtle (which abounds in the island), fish and molluscs.
Nitre abounds in the soil over all the south-west of Afghanistan, and often affects the water of the karez or subterranean canals.
The jackal (C. aureus, Eur., Ind., Eth.) abounds on the Helmund and Argand-ab, and probably elsewhere.
The basin of the Kabul river especially abounds in remains of the period when Buddhism flourished.
The Indian fox (Vulpes bengalensis) is comparatively rare, but the jackal (C. aureus) abounds everywhere, making night hideous by its never-to-be-forgotten yells.
The nilgai, or blue cow (Boselaephus tragocamelus) is also widely distributed, but specially abounds in Hindustan Proper and Gujarat.
The west coast is often low and shelving, and abounds in mud-banks, and the tidal rise and fall is from 20 to 36 ft.
The northern woods are mainly hard; the yellow pine is most characteristic of the heavy woods of the south central counties; and magnificent cypress abounds in the north-east.
Coal abounds in the northern part of the province, but owing to difficulty of transit it is not worked to any great extent.
In South Africa, where the caracal abounds, its hide is made by the Zulus into skin-cloaks, known as karosses.
The lake is crown property, and is of great value from the fish and wildfowl with which it abounds.
Thus, whereas the popular writer abounds in wide generalizations on the subject of primitive humanity, the expert has hitherto for the most part deliberately restricted himself to departmental investigations.
The lake, one of the most beautiful of the so-called "finger lakes" of central New York, abounds in lake and rainbow trout, black bass, pickerel and pike, and there are many summer cottages along its shores.
It is often inaccurate, and it abounds in farfetched conceits and odd and pedantic features.
In Asia it abounds in Siberia and on the mountains of the Amur region; on the European Alps it occurs at a height of 5600 ft., and on the Pyrenees it is found at still higher elevations; on the northern side of Etna it is said to grow at above 7000 ft.
This pine abounds in Corsica, and is found in more or less abundance in Spain, southern France, Greece, and many Mediterranean countries; it occurs on the higher mountains of Cyprus.
The wood is very hard and abounds with resin, but on swampy land is of inferior quality and of little value except for fuel, for which the pitch-pine is highly prized; on drier ground the grain is fine from the numerous knots.
P. palustris (or P. australis) is the " Georgia pitch pine," or yellow pine of the southern states; it abounds on the sandy soils that cover so much of Georgia, the Carolinas, and Florida, and on those dry lands attains its highest perfection, though occasionally abundant on moist ground, whence its name.
P. ponderosa, the yellow pine of the Pacific coast of America, belongs to this section; it is a fine timber tree deserving of notice from the extreme density of its wood, which barely floats in water; it abounds in some parts of the western range of the Rocky Mountains, and is the most widely distributed pine tree of the mountain forests of western North America.
The tree abounds from Canada to Georgia, but in the eastern states has been so long sought for by the lumberer that most of the old trees have long disappeared, and large white pine timber is now only found in quantity in the Canadian Dominion.
The tree abounds in some sandy districts, but more generally occurs singly or in small groups dispersed through the woods, attaining its greatest dimensions in light soils.
It abounds on the Alps, the Carpathians and the Siberian ranges, in Switzerland being found at an altitude of 4000 to 6000 ft.
The irrigation of the claires is entirely under control, and the claires undergo a special preparation for the production of the green oysters, whose colour seems to be derived from a species of Diatom which abounds in the claires.
The common rabbit, brought from England, abounds, but its introduction to the mainland is prohibited.
The Kwang-tung coast abounds with islands, the largest of which is Hainan, which forms part of the prefecture of K`iung-chow Fu.
The coast, fully exposed to the open ocean, abounds in fine cliff scenery, including numerous caves and natural arches, but is notoriously dangerous to shipping.
The neighbourhood abounds in freestone and coal.
Lignite occurs at many points around Coimbra, Leiria and Santarem; asphalt abounds near Alcobaca; phosphorite, asbestos and sulphur are common south of the Tagus.
It is now completely destitute of trees, but it abounds with brushwood of lentisk and cistus, and here and there affords a patch of corn-land to the occasional sower from Myconus.
Fresh manure abounds in de-nitrifying bacteria, and these organisms not only reduce the nitrates to nitrites, even setting free nitrogen and ammonia, but their effect extends to the undoing of the work of what nitrifying bacteria may be present also, with great loss.
The surrounding district, to which it gives its name, abounds in ironmines, and iron founding and smelting are the most important branches of industry in and near the town.
Notwithstanding the lesson thus taught, the cultivation is being extended every year, especially in Ispahan, which abounds in streams and rivers, an advantage in which Yezd is deficient.
Newark is the trade centre of an agricultural region, which also abounds in natural gas and coal; natural gas is piped as far as Cincinnati.
Chelsea, especially the riverside district, abounds in historical associations.
Numerous gold mines are worked in the district, which also abounds in copper, silver, antimony, cinnabar, bismuth and nickel.
Poplar, also used for the manufacture of paper, abounds in several sections of the south slope, but is most abundant in the basin of the Kennebec. White birch, used largely for the manufacture of spools, is found throughout a wide belt extending across the middle of the state.
It abounds all along the coast east of the Kennebec and on the adjacent islands, and is found farther inland, especially about the Rangeley lakes in Franklin and Oxford counties, and, near Mt Katandin, in Penobscot and Piscataquis counties.
Limestone abounds, especially in the south-east part of the state, but it is quarried chiefly in Knox county.
The soil is generally dry and stony, and the greater part of the surface is covered with forests, in which the logwood tree especially abounds.
Native silver as well as silver ores exist around Thunder Bay, native copper was formerly worked on Isle Royal, and rich copper mines are worked on the south shore, while nickel abounds in the country north of the lake.
In the next year followed the Considerations sur les richesses et le luxe, combating the opinions of Necker; and in 1788 the more valuable Considerations sur l'esprit et les mceurs, a book which abounds in sententious, but often excessively frank, sayings.
The whole region abounds with fissures from which steam highly charged with hydrochloric acid is continually issuing, and in many places boiling water is found at a very few feet below the surface.
In the streets not a few old buildings remain, making for picturesqueness, and a number of the fine timbered houses in which Cheshire abounds are seen in the immediate neighbourhood.
The district abounds in blast furnaces.
A worse fault is the vTCXo,uveta, or, to borrow Butler's expression, the Cat-andPuss dialogue, which abounds.
These ordinances proved, however, generally ineffectual to secure strictness of diet, and contemporaneous literature abounds with satirical remarks and complaints concerning the inordinate extravagance of the tables of the abbots.
Although the neighbourhood abounds in British earthworks and barrows, and there are traces of a Roman road leading from Poole to Wimborne, Poole (La Pole) is not mentioned by the early chroniclers or in Domesday Book.
This short piece abounds richly in maxims of moral and political prudence.
The surrounding country is well adapted to agriculture, and abounds in coal, iron, fire clay, limestone and white sand.
Natural gas abounds in the same region, and several strong wells were developed in 1906, and immediately afterwards gas began to be used largely for industrial purposes for which in 1908 the price was from 1 z to 15 cents per moo ft.
The islands were discovered by Columbus, who named them Tortugas from the turtles with which the surrounding sea abounds.
The main portion therefore of the inhabitants of the forest zone are agriculturists, save only the nomad Pygmies, who live in the inmost recesses of the forest and support themselves by hunting the game with which it abounds.
A good sandy loam is common in the Heath division; a sandy loam with chalk, or a flinty loam on chalk marl, abounds on portions of the Wolds; an argillaceous sand, merging into rich loam, lies on other portions of the Wolds; a black loam and a rich vegetable mould cover most of the Isle of Axholme on the north-west; a well-reclaimed marine marsh, a rich brown loam, and a stiff cold clay variously occupy the low tracts along the Humber, and between the north Wolds and the sea; a peat earth, a deep sandy loam, and a rich soapy blue clay occupy most of the east and south Fens; and an artificial soil, obtained by "warping," occupies considerable low strips of land along the tidal reaches of the rivers.
In the Parts of Kesteven the churches are built of excellent stone which abounds at Ancaster and near Sleaford.
Grazing and fodder are not wanting, and besides the reeds peculiar to Seistan there are two grasses which merit notice - that called bannu, with which the bed of the Hamun abounds on the south and the taller and less salt kirta on the higher ground.
The Gygaean lake (where remains of pile dwellings have been found) still abounds with carp.
Besides the natural water supply afforded by the rivers, Bilaspur abounds in tanks.
It is a native of Australia, where it chiefly abounds in New South Wales, inhabiting rocky and mountainous districts, where it burrows among the loose sand, or hides itself in crevices of rocks.
The country abounds in romantic scenery; that of the district of Ararat especially has been celebrated by patriotic historians like Moses of Chorene and Lazarus of Pharb.
Coal abounds in the neighbourhood.
The district abounds in rich teak forests, and there are reserves representing 60,000 acres of teak plantation.
Its shores are beautifully wooded, and it abounds with fish.
The park abounds in natural beauty and abundant wildlife, including bison and wild horses.
Gorsky's airy choreography is sheer joy, and abounds in wit and technical bravura.
Apple orchards are plentiful in favored situations, especially adjoining the Herefordshire border, and oak coppice abounds.
Wildlife abounds here, including guanaco, silver foxes and condors.
This oak abounds all over the Turkish peninsula, and forms a large portion of the vast forests that clothe the slopes of the Taurus ranges and the south shores of the Black Sea; it is likewise common in Italy and Sardinia, and occurs in the south of France and also in Hungary.
Insurrections occurred frequently, the insurgents receiving secret aid from sympathizers in China, and the difficulties of the Japanese being increased not only by their ignorance of the country, which abounds in fastnesses where bandits can find almost inaccessible refuge, but also by the unwillingness of experienced officials to abandon their home posts for the purpose of taking service in the new territory.
Grant, His Life and Character (New York, 1898) gives especial attention to the personal traits of Grant and abounds in anecdote.
Among the land plants may be noted the blue anemone; the ranunculus along the road-sides, with a strong perfume of violets; the Malta heath, which flowers at all seasons; Cynomorium coccineum, the curious " Malta fungus," formerly so valued for medicinal purposes that a guard was set for its preservation under the rule of the Knights; the pheasant's-eye; three species of mallow and geranium; Oxalis cernua, a very troublesome imported weed; Lotus edulis; Scorpiurus subvillosa, wild and cultivated as forage; two species of the horseshoe-vetch; the opium poppy; the yellow and claret-coloured poppy; wild rose; Cartaegus azarolus, of which the fruit is delicious preserved; the ice-plant; squirting cucumber; many species of Umbelliferae; Labiatae, to which the spicy flavour of the honey (equal to that of Mt Hymettus) is ascribed; snapdragons; broom-rape; glass-wort; Salsola soda, which produces when burnt a considerable amount of alkali; there are fifteen species of orchids; the gladiolus and iris are also found; Urginia scilla, the medicinal squill, abounds with its large bulbous roots near the sea; seventeen species of sedges and seventy-seven grasses have been recorded.
Native oratory abounds in figures, metaphors and parables; and a large number of folk-tales, songs and legends, together with the very numerous proverbs, give ample evidence of the mental ability and imaginative powers of the Malagasy.
The area abounds with similar rectories built in this period.
The delightful Severn Valley from MOAT LANE through NEWTOWN and WELSHPOOL to SHREWSBURY where semaphore signaling abounds.
Mr. Hopkirk wrought extensively the coal which abounds in Dalbeth.
Unfortunately, fake MAC makeup abounds and even the well-informed shopper might get less than she bargained for.
Entertainment abounds, and some of these events have a strict dress code where gentlemen guests must wear tuxedos or suits and ties.
Always keep in mind that the internet abounds with jewelry dealers, and a savvy consumer will make certain to deal only with secure, reputable websites.
This is not your average oaky, candied mess that abounds these days in the Merlot aisle.
Pricing information abounds on the Internet, but so do used trailer classified listings--buying a camper online is becoming more and more common each year.
The Internet abounds with professional genealogists ready to do research for you.
The Internet abounds with free printable worksheets and items to help your child learn fractions.
While there abounds evidence that homeschooling is an academically positive experience, is it possible that homeschooling also has its drawbacks?
Culture shock abounds when American beach bathers hit European shores in full board shorts, while Americans are just as aghast at the site of foreign tourists strutting their speedos at the family water park.
Polly's Sparklin' Pets Pawsh Limo - Pretend play abounds as little girls dress Polly and her pets, readying them for a luxurious ride in Polly's limo.
From a J Kara beaded chiffon dress to a Kenneth Cole ruffled black sheath, elegance abounds at this retailer.
The Internet abounds with pictures of woodland fairy dresses.
The Internet abounds with websites that sell hula-dancing costumes.
Internet dating is so astoundingly successful thatthe number of popular dating sites abounds and is still growing.
The Internet abounds with websites dedicated toward helping singles make love connections.
Criticism abounds regarding all ESP tests, including ESP tests online.
However, documentation of Leap Castle's ghosts abounds online and in books, and it makes a fascinating study.
While plenty of speculation regarding the actual existence of this creature abounds, there is no denying the captivating nature of this particular legend.
Another place to go is the internet, which abounds with websites that sell N.A.W.C. watches.
Wedding invitation language abounds, but there is also wording for invitations to engagement parties, birthday parties for adults and kids, graduation parties, bar mitzvahs, and almost any other kind of party you can think of.
Humor abounds throughout the Star Trek universe.
This region abounds in big game and birds are plentiful.
The ilex, also known as the "holm oak" from its resemblance to the holly, abounds in all the Mediterranean countries, showing a partiality for the sea air.
Spinoza abounds in the same sense, and is as usual perfectly candid " Naturae leges et regulae, secundum quas omnia fiunt et ex unis formis in alias mutantur, sunt ubique et semper eadem."
The country abounds in medicinal plants.
It abounds in loach, and there are valuable salmon fisheries.
The " Mecklenburg Declaration," which it is alleged was passed on the 10th of the same month by the same committee, " dissolves the political bonds " which have connected the county with the mother country, " absolves " the citizens of that county " from all allegiance to the British Crown," declares them " a free and independent people," and abounds in other phrases which closely resemble phrases in the great Declaration of the 4th of July 1776.
It has also gained admittance into Ireland, and now abounds there as much as in England.
The region, which abounds in valuable rubber forests, was settled by Bolivians between 1870 and 1878, but was invaded by Brazilian rubber collectors during the next decade and became tributary to the rubber markets of Manaos and Para.
Medieval literature abounds in references to Tristan and Iseult, and their adventures were translated into many tongues and are found depicted in carvings and tapestries.
It abounds in fish, but its banks are somewhat deserted and not free from malaria.